white film on tank


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I have white stuff on the inside of my tank. I can get it off by using an alge sponge, but it settles back on it within just a few hours. It somewhat clouds the view which is why I'd like to find a way to get rid of it. Do you know what it is?
i dont know im afraid. but a few more details may help clear it up.

is it a newly set up tank?

Is the white stuff throughout the water? Or just near the surface like a scum?

Have you made any changes to hte tank/water parameters changed recently?

i hope it gets sorted soon.phil
well, it seems to be in the water as it is on the tank everywhere, top to bottom, side to side. the tank has been up for about 6 weeks now. nothing has changed recently, other than having an odd ph spike a few days ago. This has been settled (I think) and the white stuff was there before it happened, so I don't think they're related. Could it be the sand substrate? The cory cats keep it stirred up pretty good.
Hiya, what sort of filter have you got?
Its pretty unlikely its the cories. Sand doesnt stick and makes the water cloudy, but its so fine, it also actually looks like sand...

My best guess is its the meds. If your done with the treatement, then get the cardon back in (provided its still fresh) and see if it clears it up. A similar tactick would to be to put in a load of fine filter wool or similar (if the silter doesnt already have it) at the start of the filter, this should get rid of anything floating in hte water of a period of a week or so.

But since the water conditions are ok, and providing the fish look happy, i wouldnt worry too much. It should settle down over a week or two as its cleaned out by the filter. I know it ruins the view tho...

hopefully someone else will have some more insight. all hte best.phil

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