Choosing a Cory species for new tank


Fish Addict
Jun 23, 2004
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I'm setting up a new tank, and for the few corydoras I'm going to include, I want something a bit more colorful and interesting than bronze . . .

Right now, the pet store has two species that are both within my budget and are both rather attractive . . .

Corydoras Sterbai vs. Corydoras Adolfoi

any recs for one over the other by any of you?

Also: Is sterbai more active? When I see the Adolfoi in the pet shop, they seem less hyper (if you know what I mean).
i would have to say they are both great fish.. and neither of them stands out above the other for any known reason.. i think it will come down to which ever one u like the best.

please let us know if u made a decision and which one u picked...
I faced the exact same choice for hte same reason and went for the sterbai. there great little fish and real good looking, especially as i have a light (sand) substrate so their colour stands out. they also look good at night when their spots 'shine' in the darkness.
But like the previous poster says, its purely taste, theres not really any difference bar colour.
good luck with the decision.phil
Right now, I'm leaning more towards the sterbai since the adolfoi seem to always be hiding at the back when I see them at the shop . . . then again, fish do change behavior with tank transfers but . . .

well, the tank isn't quite ready yet anyway so I still got some time to decide . . .
Panda cories! They are small, yet very active and playful. They look like the cory version of a clown loach. :)
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Panda cories! They are small, yet very active and playful. They look like the cory version of a clown loach. :)
I agree. I love my pandas. :wub:
Hi tear-scar :)

I've never had the opportunity to buy the C. adolfoi locally, so I'm not really familiar with them, but I do have C. sterbai and C. pandas. I'm delighted with them both even though they are very different in behavior and size. :thumbs:

In my area, the C. sterbai are considered to have a rather high class status and are rather expensive. The C. pandas are more readily found, even in the chain stores.

When it comes to appearance, the sterbai are hard to beat. They have a lovely pattern on them and their bright orange trim is unusual and most attractive.

The sterbai grow to be something of a substantial fish and they are more independent then the pandas who seem more timid and like to school quite tightly. If you think of pandas, plan to get a larger group then the sterbai, although this will not be a problem since they are so small.

When all is said and done, perhaps my all around favorite corys are still the bronze and albino C. aeneus. What they lack in looks, a school of them will more than make up in personality.

Be assured that whatever cory you eventually choose, they will be an excellent and amusing addition to your aquarium. :nod:
Based on attractiveness, I'd have to be stumped. Both species have an orange color (sterbai on fins, adolfoi on body) that's quite rare in cory species.

Surprisingly though, there seems to be no end to the supply of sterbai in local markets. They're not cheaper (about 6.50), but they're very available.

I've only seen a few adolfoi at one shop, and they're more pricey (about 9.50). But since they're harder to find should I take the opportunity to keep some???

Anyway, the question is currently moot because the ember tetras in the tank I was going to add the cories too are currently showing some spawning behavior and I want to see if I can get some fry outta them before adding anything else. :rofl:

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