L010a Red whiptail catfish


New Member
Nov 23, 2004
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does anyone know a good definative site for info about L010a?

my lfs said they don't really have any experience with these fish so to look on planetcatfish and i've tried looking around on the net but very little of the info between sites actually matches.

some say they grow to about 4 1/2 inches, some say less and some say more. one actually says they can grow to 10inches!

if anyone has experience in keeping this type of cat i'd welcome any advice, or suggestions to where i can find some info.


planet catfish have some info. http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/loric...ilori/747_f.php

one thing that might help,there listed there, and a few other places (searching by the L mnumber) as Red Lizard Catfish.

Theres plenty of articles on breeding, which may have some helpful bits in if you read through them.

the two sites with adult sizes i saw both came in at 4.5 inches. its quite possible that they reach larger sizes in the wild, but only 4.5 commonly in hte aquarium. Its quite common for both to be quoted, and unhelpful if they dont say which it is if only one is given.

good luck. phil
We have these in at the moment. 4.5" is wild size, you wont see them get any larger than this in an aquarium, more like 4" from what ive seen.

Other than this apply normal rules as for most plecs. Good water, not too hard, plenty of plants/decor for them to hide in and browse on. Whiptales are good at algae eating so dont overfeed them to start with so they get used to being actively searching for their food.

I've got a red whiptail called Jim... I just tried to go measure him but he's hiding very well and I can't find him, but I think he's about 4". He's a lovely fish, very peaceful, he's a 'seen but not heard' sort of fish. I've had him about 4-5 months now and he's never given me any trouble. His colour is beautiful. I keep him in a 48/12/18" planted community aquarium with bogwood and rocks and hiding places and a gravel substrate. The other catfish he lives with are a normal coloured whiptail, fully grown, and a royal panaque plec. Plus lots of loaches, corys etc... he's a great fish.

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