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  1. T

    How many bumble bees?

    MY LFS told me they were freshwater, and didn't realize until recently that many are brackish. I cannot tell the difference! I saw an older link that showed some pics, but I still can't tell. I was planning on moving into a larger brackish soon, but for now the 5 gallon is FW. If they really...
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    Lonely gourami?

    I could put the gold in my 20g with my platies (6). I have a dwarf gourami in there now, but I could move him to the 10...
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    How many bumble bees?

    How many bumble bee gobies could I put in a 5 gallon? Is there a reason their colors are brighter sometimes? I have noticed that the yellow stripe is sometimes a dull yellow and other times is bright...
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    Lonely gourami?

    I have a male gold in a 10g with 2 otos. I was going to get him some company, but what can I get that he won't attack or won't overcrowd the tank. I was originally going to get a female, but read that 1 should get two females; I think that would be too much for a 10g... any ideas?
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    I lost my Pleco!

    Yeah I wouldn't really kick the cat out; it is kind of cute, but definately spends hours on end eyeing the fish :) I do need to get the pleco a cave or something. He usually hides behind the log I have, which will have to do until payday!
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    I lost my Pleco!

    AH HA! I was about to call the fish police or to kick my roomate's cat out of the house, but I have discovered the missing pleco! One of my fake rocks has a hole in it and there was just enough room for the pleco to weasel its way under and into the hole. I put the rock on it's side, and alas...
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    I lost my Pleco!

    I was out of town for a week, and when I returned, my pleco was gone. It has completely vanished. I have looked under every rock and plant, even behind the tank in case it jumped out. It is gone. The water is testing within normal parameters, but it is a mystery to me. There are only small...
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    Pollutants from Emperor 400s????

    I also thought the bio wheels were for biological filtration and the cartridges were for chemical and mechanical. I have a bio wheel and a filter with two slots for cartridges. I rotate a new one in and an old one out every month without disturbing the biowheel.
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    Is he sick?

    Sounds like a plan! Gourami is doing much better, still a little slow, but eating and acting more normal... who knows maybe it is just getting old :)
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    Is he sick?

    Thanks for the advice. I have been watching the water, and the parameters are normal. I did a water change just to be sure. He is showing no other signs than beign lethargic, and no stringy poo :) Why does that seem weird to write? :)Unfortunately, I don't have anywhere to isolate him. I...
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    Aquarium Salt

    Thanks for the help! So if I need to add salt to the tank with the pleco in it (for medicinal purposes only), will it (the pleco) be ok for the short span of the treatment, or should I move it into another tank? I don't have a hospital tank, so by moving it into another tank, would it infect...
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    Aquarium Salt

    I read what inchworm said. That is why I posted the question. I guess a better way of phrasing it would be do plecos and golden algea eaters fal under the "corys, loaches or scaless fish" categoy?
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    Aquarium Salt

    What about salt with plecos and golden algae eaters?
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    Sexing baby platies

    Interesting! All of my platy fry have been female! I keep thinking they are going to eventually change, but I got my first platy about 7 months ago, and I end up with about 2 fry that live each month, and to date, they are all felmae. I thought maybe there was something in the water :)
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    Is he sick?

    I have had him for about 1 year and the last 2 days he has not been eating and hanging out at the top corner of the tank; he just seems lethargic. He is not gasping for air and no visible signs of sickness. All chemical levels are normal, and all the other fish in the tank are acting normally...
  16. T

    Sexing Gold Gourami

    Thanks! After looking at the pics, I am pretty sure I have a male. I have a camera at work, if I can remember to bring it home Monday, I'll post a pic... I was just going to get him/her some company :)
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    My gourami is dying

    Thanks for the help! Hopefully I won't need it again :)
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    Sexing Gold Gourami

    It makes sense, but I guess it is hard without things to compare against. Maybe I will go the the LFS and take a look at them. Are the gold gouramis that are pictured in the pinned gouarmi link male or female? And what do you mean by deep bodied? Thanks for your help! I guess I am kind of new...
  19. T

    My gourami is dying

    Thanks for the sympathy The other gourami looks ok for now, but I am watching him. Yeah I know that about the golden algae eater, but I bought him before I learned the info when I first got my tank and didn't know. I am keeping an eye on him, and he hasn't become aggressive..yet. What do I do...
  20. T

    Sexing Gold Gourami

    Anyone know how to tell male and female gold gouramis?
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    My gourami is dying

    He died :byebye:
  22. T

    My gourami is dying

    I noticed the last couple days my dwarf red gourami has not been eating and is lethargic. I checked chemical levels: 0 Ammonia and Nitrite, PH 8 (this is normal). I did a water change 2 days ago and again today. I usually do about a 10% water change once or twice a week. Today I think he is a...
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    I need to cycle a 10 gallon

    I did a combination of what tolak and sorrell mentioned. I didn't have enough media as it sounds like you might have the ability to use... only had a 20 gallon and was setting up a 10. I just took a handful and put it in a stocking, ran additional filter in the old tank for 2 weeks, added the...
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    Does anyone NOT like sand?

    I just set up a new tank with sand. I love the way it looks, but have had a hard time cleaning it. I can't seem to vacuum up the dirt and waste without sucking up the sand and a bunch ending up in the bucket. I have not yet gone back to gravel because I don't really want to go through the...
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    Water hardness

    I saw the pinned topic on water chemistry... very helpful, but was wondering the same as OP, what effect does water hardness have on your tank? My GH is @ 300ppm and PH is 8. I have had platys and gouramis for over 6 months with no problems. Should I be worried?
  26. T

    algae eaters in brackish water

    Thanks for the help, guess a little elbow grease doesn't hurt anyone... I do this anyway, but have had some problems with brown algae. Maybe will get a couple plants, but probalby some difficulty with brackish too. Got to love the trouble you go to for a couple bumble bee gobies :)
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    What do ya think?

    Maybe it is just the individual fish I have, but I have had a hard time with mulitple dwarf gouramis, they seem to pick on each other. I now have two and the one red still nips at the blue. I also had a gold one I had to remove because it was too agressive. I have always wanted a gourami...
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    algae eaters in brackish water

    Anyone have ideas for algae eaters in brackish water? I was looking at otos or bristlenose pleco, but want to get more info on their toleration of brackish water...
  29. T

    Thoughts on an airstone and lack of biowheel

    If you took the bio wheel off to put on another tank, would it affect the tank your removed it from? I was thinking about doing this for a new tank but thought it might hurt the old biological filter.
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    Another bumble bee goby ? & how 2 convert

    Thanks. I'll check it out...
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    Should I replace my filter?

    I have converted to filters that use the bio wheel. In addition, they have 2 slots for the filter media, and I rotate changing them every 3-4 weeks so there is always one with biological filtration and the bio wheel. It seems to keep things more stable. Try keeping the old one in the tank for...
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    Free GUPPY SHOW! Nov 5-7th, San Diego

    How did it go? I am in SD, but unfortunately didn't see this post until Sunday night. Do you know of a good LFS in SD?
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    switched to sand

    Um, going to ask a dumb question, but I am having the same cloudy water problem. What is filter floss? I washed the sand 5 times over the course of a couple hours then filled the tank this morning. It is still cloudy...
  34. T

    Another bumble bee goby ? & how 2 convert

    I looked at the pictures and they look the same to me :) Mine have bands that go all the way around which the post states is FW, and my LFS told me they were FW, and while we know to take it with a grain of salt, I think for right now I will just hope they are right. I don't really have the...
  35. T

    Another bumble bee goby ? & how 2 convert

    So I bought 2 BBG at the LFS, who told me they were Freshwater. I know, I know I should have read up more on them first. But now I have them and don't want them to die. So I now have them in a 5 gallon FW with two juvenile platy (my fry tank). I read somewhere that they are variety of BB...
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    starting up a new tank

    I am also starting up a 10 gallon, and was planning on following your instructions. Should I use water from the old tank as well? If I am planning on moing fish from the old tank, at what point should I add them? And do I just net them and put them in the new tank as long as the temp is...
  37. T

    agressive gold gourami

    I got a goold gourami and added him to my 25 gallon with a male blue dwarf gourani and a male honey gourami, one male platy and 2 female juvenile platy. The gold and honey keep chasing the blue one. I had the honey and blue in a 10 gallon prior but moved them to the larger tank and this never...
  38. T

    How much does it cost to run an aquarium?

    I had the same argument with my roomate, which is why I had posted a smiliar question a couple weeks ago. I am in San Diego, so it may be a bit different, but I talked to the actual power cokpany and it cost approximately $2.10 a month to run a 20 gallon with filter and lights only. So, I pay...
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    Switching to sand

    I was thinking of switching to sand as well... do you clean it the same as gravel?
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    Starting Over

    Do you use anything to wash it out to kill the disease? or just water?