I lost my Pleco!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
I was out of town for a week, and when I returned, my pleco was gone. It has completely vanished. I have looked under every rock and plant, even behind the tank in case it jumped out. It is gone. The water is testing within normal parameters, but it is a mystery to me. There are only small fish in the tank so it could not have been eaten. Hmmmm...
Do you have any snails? I have seen apple snails reduce a dead fish to nothing in 24 hours.

What type of plec was it?

Sorry to hear about it though.

Ha. He knew he was going to die so he made his own grave and just said screw it lifes over for me.. :lol:

Well, what I was thinking is that maybe it died and someone removed him from the tank already, or maybe a cat or something got to 'em. Could of jumped out, then been eaten by one of your other pets (if you have any)

Maybe someone accidently killed him, and didn't tell you.
I've had fish disapear completely from my tank before. I have had a plec disapear, three neon tetras disapear and a black neon. I assume they must have died and been eaten by the other fish, as I have never had any snails. It's a mystery to me where they went.
Fish will usually leave the skeleton of the deceased somewhere. Snails will take that too.

I didnt even have skeletons left from mine. And the tetras disapeared overnight. I cannot understand for the life of me where they might have gone. I suppose it is conceivable that the cat might have got the lid open, and managed to hook them out, but I think it is unlikely.
I had bought 2 cory's a while back, and a week later I only had 1 - no bones - no sick fish... he musta died and was picked clean. What happened to the bones? Not a clue
i had a pleco jump ship. I found him dried up on the floor :( about a foot away from my tank. Any more time and it's likely the cats would have moved him.
AH HA! I was about to call the fish police or to kick my roomate's cat out of the house, but I have discovered the missing pleco! One of my fake rocks has a hole in it and there was just enough room for the pleco to weasel its way under and into the hole. I put the rock on it's side, and alas the missing pleco has been found. But, I lost my snail. All there is is an empty shell...
Kicking the cat out of the house is a dumb and bad idea in my opinion. I don't agree with it. :sick: The cat is just as important as the fish -.-

But anyway, glad you found him!! Maybe you should set up an area where the pleco can hide, since it seems that he likes to do so, lol. Ever thought about doing that? I think it's a good idea :clap:
Yeah I wouldn't really kick the cat out; it is kind of cute, but definately spends hours on end eyeing the fish :) I do need to get the pleco a cave or something. He usually hides behind the log I have, which will have to do until payday!
LoL. Well i'm glad to hear that you're planning on getting him a new hiding spot :D and really glad to hear that you like that cat lol. My cat doesn't really care about my fish, but she would always go after my mom's and kill them off one by one.. She would find.. or make.. ways into that tank. Hahaa. She just knows I don't like my mom, so she was killing her fish I bet :fun:

My animals are always good about that though, My dog and cat don't really get along, but they tolerate each other. And when I had a guinea pig, my cat would literally sit in his cage and just watch him.. Wouldn't touch him though, infact if he walked over by her she'd jump out, lol. My dog wouldn't go after the guinea pig (marty) either... and she has terrier in her, so that's a difficult thing for her to do. LoL.. She use to kill the wild mice that would get into our house and into our food etc.

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