Another bumble bee goby ? & how 2 convert


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
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San Diego, Ca
So I bought 2 BBG at the LFS, who told me they were Freshwater. I know, I know I should have read up more on them first. But now I have them and don't want them to die. So I now have them in a 5 gallon FW with two juvenile platy (my fry tank). I read somewhere that they are variety of BB that are FW, depending on their striping??? How do I tell, and if that is not true, how would I convert this tank to brackish? Of course, moving the platy... I am always amazed at how much money I am willing to spend to save 3$ fish. :rolleyes:
I got three BBs, and they were so cute I got two more. I did water changes every few days, small amount, and made each change a little saltier than the next. So by the end of two weeks they were up to about 1.004 (reading on the Instant Ocean hand-held hydrometer). It took a month longer to get it saltier---I read somewhere it should be closer to 1.008. But if you look at a recent post with two pictures, one of the BBs is supposed to be freshwater. I have two that look like that one, and three that look like brackish. Could I have two different types? From the same store, same tank????? :dunno: They all act the same.
I looked at the pictures and they look the same to me :) Mine have bands that go all the way around which the post states is FW, and my LFS told me they were FW, and while we know to take it with a grain of salt, I think for right now I will just hope they are right. I don't really have the funds to set up another tank :) Teaches me to do my research more extensive and avoid impulsive buys, but I hope they are FW, because I really like them alot. Good luck with yours... Thanks for the advice on converting to Brackish.
I just found a goby site: You might want to check it out too. It's new.

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