Search results

  1. billy0510

    Africans Cichlids With Other Fish From Around The World.

    i totally 100% agree with darrel69. I have kept cichlids for years and once it get big enough some of your fish might be lunch if they survive that long with all the tormenting the cichlids will give.
  2. billy0510

    Algae Eater For 20 Gallon

    i don't think a pit bull plec would be to small for a 20 gallon. I wouldn't personally get one but how about Siamese or Chinese algae eaters.
  3. billy0510

    Give Me Some Ideas Please

    My current tank is a 125 gallon i am trying to stick with a south American bio type. I have a medium dense planted tank with the following: 1 large green severum 10 neon tetras 5 bleeding heart tetras 2 German blue rams 2 German gold rams 6 panda Corie's I need some more stocking...
  4. billy0510

    Bristlenose Plec, Im Concerned About Its Stomach

    Hey i read the post great news on the plec!!! Very good info iwas amazed when i seen the pics
  5. billy0510

    Cory! White Spot

    If it is fuzzy could be a fungus problem? I have had white fungus take over my tank years ago.Very treatable there are many fungus meds out there. I'm not an expert but maybe someone else can chime in. Make sure your pretty confident on what the problems are before you medicate.
  6. billy0510

    Need Advice- Aggressive Bristlenose

    Im not a what u call a fish expert but it might be a overstocking problem sounds like alot of fish for a 20 gallon tank. how big is you bristlenose?? i believe they get about 5" or so might get to big with your present fish in a 20 gallon.
  7. billy0510

    Algae Control

    Need some help in the algae department??? I'm looking for a Algae eater under 6" to help with algae control. I have looked into several plecos & Otto's since I'm sticking with an south America theme these would fit in great. But i also was thinking of shrimp?? the only concern is my...
  8. billy0510

    Tank With No Stand/cabinet

    second hand stores r a great place to find dressers, night stand, sometimes even tank stands. My Buddy used Two night stands side by side for one of his tanks. Just do the sit test. Sit on it if it doesn't wobble and u feel safe it should be OK for a tank. I personally would not use those...
  9. billy0510

    Blobfish... Funny Chaps.

    anyone ever see the movie the blob lol
  10. billy0510

    White Cloudy Water

    sounds like a bacterial bloom. Thats what i have experienced in the past hopefully its a good thing.
  11. billy0510

    Artificial Plants

    8inary love the tank I like the hagen plants and actually a little alge on the plants kindof makes them hide there fakeness. Had some friends over last week and they still think they real.
  12. billy0510

    General Emergency :(

    first of all is your tank cycled????? From the sounds of it only being a week old its prob not. in my opinion i would do a large water change maybe 40- 50%. test your water parameters Your filter wont actually take the cloudiness out of the water. Your filter works in two ways Mechanical...
  13. billy0510

    How Often Do You Test?

    Allot of good info here but i would suggest for newbies to buy the strips and test weekly to get hang of things. I too only test when cycling of course and when i notice a problem. I have ran several test brands liquid and strip at the same time and have similar but shocking different...
  14. billy0510

    How Much Water

    thanks alot thats what i have been doing but i havent had a serious problem to have to medicate YET KNOCK ON WOOD.
  15. billy0510

    Rams With Severum

    I have a green severum fully grown very nice beautiful fish. Believe it or not she is in my 125 gal with 15 neons with no aggresionat all. I want to stock (if possible) several pairs of rams and or apistos. I will be putting my clown plec and maybe some schools of cory. Any comments...
  16. billy0510

    Some Caution When Using Fluorescent Light Bulbs

    ive heard the same thing on these bulbs there greener in some ways and i guess not so green in others lol
  17. billy0510

    How Much Water

    Just wondering if I'm thinking to much or if it really matters??? i have a 125 us gal and was wondering if i ever did have a problem with parasite or disease how much water should i figure the whole 125 gallons or do i substrate for decorations, gravel, rock ,etc. I also have marks on the...
  18. billy0510

    How Long Does A Cycled Tank Stay Cycled If There Are No Fish

    I have moved my 125 gal tank three times. the first two times the tank was down for about 3-4 hours, I just keeped the fish i the old water in (5) 5 gal buckets and keeped my filters full of water. I used the old water for my new setup and my tank had a slight ammonia spike nothing major. 12...
  19. billy0510

    Changed Filter, Cloudy Tank, Dead Fish :(

    what type of filters?? Size Tank? How many Fish? Was the tank completely cycled? It does sound like you threw away your bio load. If you did you might have to start the cycle all over again. Do you have more then one filter? If so always change one at a time leave one running to keep...
  20. billy0510

    My New Pleco!

    hey beautiful fish Ive always wanted one. I have a clown Plec and a tiger plec Not to be to nosy how much did you pay for it????? And by the way nice find on the pond read the thread today dam long thread.
  21. billy0510

    Artificial Plants

    well right now there are several 1 my twin 2 year old beautiful girls = Time 2 my twin 2 year old beautiful girls = Money (Lighting and other equip.) 3 My wife being pregnant = Might be looking for a new house in a year or 2 so don't want to set up and then move And $$ And TIME I know it...
  22. billy0510

    Artificial Plants

    Well i know alot of my fellow fish keepers don't like or want to use artificial plants, but for some of us certain circumstances keep us from having an beautiful garden on display. Many new plastic and silk plants are looking more and more like the real thing. So i was wondering which brand or...
  23. billy0510

    Fish Recommended

    well cichlids r a great group for a 55 stick with the 5-6 inch size for that size tank. They r very colorful and enjoyable fish
  24. billy0510

    Convict Cichlid With Other Communnity Fish

    i agree totally with pica depending on the size of the bala, knife and loaches smaller fish might be stressed to death. I have actually had more luck with more cichlids in a com tank rather then one. I think its because they spend more time fending off each other to worry about other less...
  25. billy0510

    Convict Cichlid Info

    ive seen cories and convicts survive together but the cat and the other fish could have some problems.
  26. billy0510

    Need Basic Cichlid Info

    good job on the rescue first of all I have kept cichlids for the last 7 years (wonderful fish), i would recommend getting some cichlid sticks (small or med that fish)or mine love frozen red worms and brine shrimp. A ten gallon tank is probably a little small for a cichlid and two in that tank...
  27. billy0510

    Sick Fish, Dead Fish

    I think your tank is on its way to be cycled, your perameters r looking better. I believe your first mistake was to add to many fish to a uncycled tank. I presently am cycling my 125 Gal with ten zebra danios and ten neons for the last two weeks with no fish lose. Not to worry everyone...
  28. billy0510

    Transfering An Old Tank

    ive set up a 20 gal with no problem just by running the filter in my 125 for about 4 weeks. I think if u clean ur tank like u always do then transfer everything over you will be fine. I would use a water change cleaning for a good transfer time, vac ur tank, strain the gravel out, move...
  29. billy0510

    New Tank Bio Load

    i will be taking down my 125 gal tank to install new floors and want to save two of my electric blues in a spare 20 gal for my new setup when I'm done. my other fish will be going to my lfs. i have two ehiem 2217 presently in my 125 and have a spare penguin 125 bio wheel i will be using for...
  30. billy0510

    Hoping Someone Can Help...

    if there is a will theres a way. Anythings possible but is it practical. Yes i think a fish tank would look great right above the tank, but once again water does have a tendancy to find its way in some tight spaces. You could always beef up the entertainment center to hold the weight just...
  31. billy0510

    Drilling A Tank?

    wow i guess i learn somthing new every day. Well that puts a damper for my automatic water changer plans(for now)
  32. billy0510

    Drilling A Tank?

    what do u mean by "Using a filter to return water is a bad idea, they do not cope with open head well. You need a proper pump" Im not disagreeing with u i just dont understand the difference between sucking out of the tank or a sump. My canisters will be in the same spot as they are without...
  33. billy0510

    Drilling A Tank?

    I was thinking of the glass guy i know it will be $120 (for 2 exit holes)and something to come to my house, my tank is 125 gal empty is still pretty heavy and carring to the garage rather than across town to the LFS for an extra $60 dollars is worth it. My next question is i will be setting...
  34. billy0510

    Drilling A Tank?

    well a bit of an update just talked to the LFS and he does it for $30 a hole and will also do the entire bulkhead for an extra charge. A local glass guy will come out to my house and do it for $60 a hole. I found out the bottom of my tank is tempered(due to the tempered stamp on the middles...
  35. billy0510

    Drilling A Tank?

    i want to add a over flow and sump to my 125 gal glass tank. I have heard if the tank is tempered glass one can not drill dur to shattering. Is this true? How can i tell if mine is tempered? Arent they all? I have seen the overflows that u put on the back of the tank but also heard that...
  36. billy0510

    Lighting Opinion

    i have a 125 gal that im just about to do a major overhaul on. Im going to try to do a low tech planted tank. I was thinking of purchasing (3) 24" Satellite 1x65W SunPaq w/Lunar Light (Current) that comes with SmartPaq (10000K Daylight/460nm Actinic mixed bulb). would this light be ok i still...
  37. billy0510

    Who Uses A Timer To Regulate Their Light?

    i bought one of these and love it.
  38. billy0510

    Auto Wato Change

    i was thinking of hooking up a RO setup for the incoming water, otherwise i dont know how to dechlorinate the water before it enters my sump. What ya think. And wuth the first setup u sugested, does the over flow go right into a drain? And how big of a sump do u think i need for a 125gal...
  39. billy0510

    Auto Wato Change

    125 gal thinking of building a sump with spare 40 gallon right now have 7 chiclids but planning on changing to a madium dense planted communtiy setup i will be moving the tank to the basement so i can plumb everything hard line.
  40. billy0510

    Auto Wato Change

    any ideas on how to design and build a self water changer. maybe a few gallons or so a day. :unsure: :unsure: :blink: ive heard that they exist but have never seen one