Africans Cichlids With Other Fish From Around The World.


Jan 31, 2008
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Hi there.

I have setup my new 25G Cube tank, the current inhabitants are

1 X Redclaw crayfish
8 X Tiger Barbs
6 X Neon Tetra
2 X Buenos Aires Tetra,
1 X Dwarf Gourami

I saw some African Cichlids including Yellow Labs and a Zebra at the LFS this weekend and now really want some. Would it be possible to add them to this setup (assuming I rellocate the crayfish)?


A 25gallon cube is to small for African's im afraid. Africans need at least 4feet. Also, they are way to aggressive for all your current inhabitants. They're not community fish and should be kept with other Africans only.
i totally 100% agree with darrel69. I have kept cichlids for years and once it get big enough some of your fish might be lunch if they survive that long with all the tormenting the cichlids will give.
I agree with the others that your tank is too small.
On the other hand I have kept Yellow Labs with barbs and (regular sized) gouramis with no ill effects. Kiss the neon's goodbye though. Neon's seem to be the most snacked upon community fish alive. Your gourami is probably already eyeing them. Depends on just how 'dwarf' it really is.
Click on your tank light in the middle of the night. Neons actually sleep still on the bottom. Come and get em boys

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