Auto Wato Change


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
any ideas on how to design and build a self water changer. maybe a few gallons or so a day. :unsure: :unsure: :blink:

ive heard that they exist but have never seen one
How many tanks, and what size? There are different systems depending on your setup.
125 gal
thinking of building a sump with spare 40 gallon
right now have 7 chiclids but planning on changing to a madium dense planted communtiy setup

i will be moving the tank to the basement so i can plumb everything hard line.
You will need an overflow on the sump. Get a carbon filter for your water feed, you will have to watch how many gallons it's good for, and change it regularly. Get an electrical water valve, the same as used for sprinkler systems, and a timer. Hook this in line with the carbon filter. Determining how long to run it for will take a little trial & error, along with a valve inline to adjust the flow. If you can figure out how many gph with a 5 gallon bucket, you will know how long to set the timer for. Make sure the overflow can handle the water input rate.

You could also use drip emitters for a constant supply of fresh water, these come standard as 1/2, 1, & 2 gph. They are used for irrigating plants, but work just as well for aquariums.

I just got off the phone with a local aquarist who has his setup running the same as the first option. He also set up a bypass for the timer with a second valve, and a remote control designed for lights. He has a couple dozen 10's & 20's, an overflow on each, and a small line running from pvc to each tank. He can watch tv, push a button, and the water starts. It took some time to set up, but I've never seen an easier way of doing water changes.
i was thinking of hooking up a RO setup for the incoming water, otherwise i dont know how to dechlorinate the water before it enters my sump. What ya think. And wuth the first setup u sugested, does the over flow go right into a drain? And how big of a sump do u think i need for a 125gal. i have a 40 and a 20gal? Was wanting to save the 40 for a brakish but thought the 20 would be to small.

Thanks again.
A charcoal filter will remove chlorine & chloramine, use this on the supply line. It does have to be replaced on regular intervals, a chlorine test is needed to check. The overflow goes into a drain, or you could pipe it outside for watering plants. Generally, a sump should be 20% of the main tank's volume, meaning a 25 gallon for your tank. Many people use rubbermaid tubs for sumps, this is cheaper than a tank and works just the same.
Hey, we tell you and then we see you on Dragons Den blagging £100.000 to develop it :rofl: lol

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