Some Caution When Using Fluorescent Light Bulbs


interesting for sure! I must have smashed 10 of these over the last year! I still have some of them in bits stuffed into the wardrobe waiting to be taken to the dump.

Hmmm, i am thinking if i have exaggerated, but having thought about, 10 is about right :blink: including one that cut me and didnt seem to stop bleeding until the next day!

I've lost some blood, but so far no sign of mercury poisoning, none at allt gfngmgn f dmd dnsdkdndkljdsdnls
ive heard the same thing on these bulbs there greener in some ways and i guess not so green in others lol
ive smashed a good few tubes before. we had about 5 in the van something fell ontop of them and about 4 of them smashed, the noise was unbelievable. ive also droped a couple up a tower before as i couldnt feel my fingers (too cold)

edit to say we did'nt smash them on purpose, was just stating a few have smashed around me and hasnt caused any known ill effects.
I wrote about this just the other day ( ) but I'll repeat it here, too.

There is mercury in there, but the amount is very, very tiny. The simple truth is that there is a significant amount of mercury found in nature. In the air, in the water, etc. It doesn't matter what we as humans do, there just will be a certain amount out there -- because mercury itself is found in nature. Now, mankind has certainly released more into nature than was there naturally, but, nevertheless, the natural amount is not zero.

Breaking a bulb exposes you to just a few percentage more than you otherwise would have been exposed to naturally. Breaking a bulb is not some major ecological disaster.

Like I said in the other thread, this doesn't mean you can be stupid about playing with them. Breaking a bunch for fun, or breaking them open to try to get to the mercury to play with it is stupid. But, I think that a lot of what that article suggests is overkill. Mercury has gotten a very bad reputation, blamed for problems with dental fillings and in vaccines when there is no significant evidence that these are responsible. (actually the incidence rate with these are the same as the general population, so there is actually evidence against the responsibility of mercury.)

Basically, like with a lot of other toxic substances you have in your house, don't be stupid with them, and everything is fine. The energy savings is very significant and, honestly, how often do you really break a bulb anyway? Sure, they burn out, but actually broken?

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