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  1. SeaGoddess

    What Plecs?

    They look like a gibbiceps (thats the left one) And the other one is just a regular pleco or a sailfin pleco. There just not worth anything. sorry :(
  2. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    yes I am going to make my own website
  3. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    Yes money isn't the problem. I have funding from several different places.  Anyway I just want help with this. I understand a lot of people don't think I can do it. That's fine. I would oblige if there was no more criticism.  And this isn't directed towards you Derph. Thanks for the...
  4. SeaGoddess

    Ok Who Votes That My Grandmother Should Get A 5 Gallon Tank?

    I want to get her a 5 gallon so she can manage it easily. There are lots of fish people here and this is why I asked. Sorry I asked...
  5. SeaGoddess

    I Am So Angry I Could Have Killed Today (Just Venting)

    Wow.  That would tick me off too.
  6. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    Yes. Besides It's my money anyway... lol :P
  7. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    Lol I know what a PayPal account is besides I can just use my moms
  8. SeaGoddess

    Ok I Need A Lot Of Help With Betta Questions.

    Ok thanks bunches :)
  9. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Live Bearer Endlers And 1 Betta Together?

    I want to Have a betta in with a bunch of endlers Can I?
  10. SeaGoddess

    Ok Who Votes That My Grandmother Should Get A 5 Gallon Tank?

    Trust me she will keep it clean. My nana is weird and I can tell she wants them (you know how that is) But she won't do it. She will say quote "Well I should get one of these. Oh I don't need one..." She would love it.
  11. SeaGoddess

    Ok Who Votes That My Grandmother Should Get A 5 Gallon Tank?

    Ughhhh. I was asking a question. She wants a tank. Why else would I ask. She is just one of those people who is silly about things. 
  12. SeaGoddess

    New Member

    Great and welcome to the forum I can help with bettas and plecos.
  13. SeaGoddess

    Tie-Dye The Betta

  14. SeaGoddess

    My Bettas

    Ok I don't even know what you guys are talking about lol. Anyway the 5 gallon houses 4 female betas with a betta log, 2 plants, a heater, and a filter. The heater is under the gravel that's why you can't see it. The others are all 1 gallons with no filters or heaters I will be upgrading those...
  15. SeaGoddess

    Ok I Need A Lot Of Help With Betta Questions.

    Thanks Do I put declorinator in the water after I have boiled it
  16. SeaGoddess

    My Bettas

    The site won't allow me to post the pics because they are too large so you can look at them on my blog.   For a while nobody could comment, but I have fixed that now so please comment.
  17. SeaGoddess

    Just Saved My Betta!

    Ya females can live together. I have had 2 females living together al the way to 9
  18. SeaGoddess

    Ok I Need A Lot Of Help With Betta Questions.

    Ok I am just going to ramble out questions. Please answer what you can. Thanks a Bunch! I m going to breed my bettas in a ten gallon. What type of filter do I need? What size of filter do I need? Where do I place the almond leaves? What size heater do I need? how many degrees does the water need...
  19. SeaGoddess

    Largish White Spots

    I wanna say ich if I were you I would immediately remove this fish and do a large water change and treat with melafix and hope that he hasn't already transfered it to your other fish
  20. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    ya no not you and thanks
  21. SeaGoddess

    Does Anyone Know Where I Can Buy Cheap Fish Bags?

    I already have my own cattle business I think I can manage a fish breeding business... lol.... I make a few thousand dollars a year doing that.
  22. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    I'm not attacking you lol :). But here is my plan 2 ten gallons and lots of cups and plastic fish bowls and mason jars. In the beginning the male will have a ten and the female will have a ten. I will put the male and female in nice jars and let them see each other during feeding times for a...
  23. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    trust me I know I have researched this for 2 years and I have already purchased some things
  24. SeaGoddess

    Can I Have Shrimp In The Tank While I Breed?

    Throughout the betta breeding process I was wondering if I could have shrimp and live plants in the tank?
  25. SeaGoddess

    What Size Heater Do I Need?

    I am going to breed my bettas in a 10 gallon what size heater do I use?
  26. SeaGoddess

    Where Can I Sell My Bettas?

    I know I can use my LFS, Ebay, and Aquabid. But anywhere else?
  27. SeaGoddess

    Does Anyone Know Where I Can Buy Cheap Betta Bags?

    I can't find any that aren't outrageously expensive?
  28. SeaGoddess

    Ok I Found Homes For My Goldfish.

    Yep so now the 5 gallon holds 4 female bettas
  29. SeaGoddess

    My Chat Isn't Working?

    When I click the chat button it says "Oops Something's Wrong." Why?
  30. SeaGoddess

    Does Anyone Know Where I Can Buy Cheap Fish Bags?

    I am going to breed in the fall. And the only problem is I can't find fish bags that aren't outrageously priced. Any Ideas?
  31. SeaGoddess

    Ok I Found Homes For My Goldfish.

    a friends. He has a 90 gallon and 2 30 gallons. So he took them today.
  32. SeaGoddess

    Ok I Found Homes For My Goldfish.

  33. SeaGoddess

    Blog Names? Lets Get Creative!

    Well I can definitely recommend for creating a blog I have 3 blogs and blogger is very easy to use.
  34. SeaGoddess

    Blog Names? Lets Get Creative!

    I know I'm just messing around. I can do that I'm still young. (not Implying that your old I don't even know your age)
  35. SeaGoddess

    Blog Names? Lets Get Creative!

    Lol Copy Cat