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  1. X

    What Is This Stuff Grrrrrr

    Um you definitley should turn down the current in your tank if you can or take a powerhead out. It's too strong for your fish, it might make em stressed, you can tell me the way they are swimming, your tang probably won't have much trouble but your goby and your longnose hawkfish will like to be...
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    Green Mandarin/dragonet

    I Have succesfully kept one in my 30 gallon and he is doing great, it is 2 months away from a year of having him, i havn't fed him anything or added anything to the tank, so i have no idea where he gets his food. But needless to say i have a spare tank with cylclyed water and packets of baby...
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    Fish List Ok

    Yes you should be fine, the triangulum requires too large of a tank size, so don't get that one, and I have heard bad reviews about the octo 8 line, the most common name is striped butterfly fish. But I heave heard they are not very hardy fish and may be difficult for a beginner. You won't be...
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    Small White Growth On Clownfish

    If you want to, try this. catch him then set him on a very wet (with water from the tank) and clean paper towel. then take a clean q-tip and see if it brushes off, dont be brutal, you can really injure him. if it does than you can put him back into your tank and he should be fine, also a swab of...
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    Trigger Fish (clown)

    Well in the wild they camoflouge from predators obviously, and if he is in a tank where a big creepy human is pressed up to the glass starring at him, he could be stressed and trying to camoflouge if you are watching him too much. If you are so close to where he thinks you are a threat, you...
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    Clown Question

    You also shouldn't worry about tattered fins, most fish when they come hit their fins or are nipped at by other fish in the tanks at the store... Fin rot is pretty rare, and usually their fins are barely there. and plus he was in a bag for 16 hours...
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    Fish List Ok

    Thats about 67 gallons or 254 liters. This will be fine for two clowns, a firefish, a bicolour angel will be fine in a 30 gallon tank so your safe, A royal gramma should be fine, but keep in mind their aggressiveness, the wrasse and filefish are also fine but also keep in mind for a fish only...
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    What Are Bicolour Angel Fish Like

    Ya I bought a Flame angel, he was $50, it was a bargain (not the price) because you have to hope to pick a healthy one, and luckily I got a great one, because him and my clown fish are buds, and he doesnt nip at corals, and he lets my shrimp clean him, which is cool to watch, but from what I...
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    Switching Tanks

    Just a tip, you should do all the live rock first then make sure the water is low in your old tank, then you dont have to chase your fish around as much to get them thus leaving them less stressed. But if your gonna take out old sand, then nevermind because your livestock should be somewhere...
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    Hermit Crabs..

    Ha Ha interesting topic lol, but it really is... hmm this brings me to a question, why do mandarines spew out tan clouds of junk out their gills what is it?
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    Need Some Help...water Change Or Not?

    Idk I heard differently, but i guess everyone has different information, my lfs told me firmly to not use buffers, because they are dangerous sometimes, but i guess i shouldnt be like a puppy dog and just repeat the info back unless im sure :) I'm only good with urchin info :)
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    Selling My Nano Tank.. Please Read..

    Thanks, Ya It's gonna be hard to get a decent amount of money out of it, but my main concern is that it isnt going to a bratty girl whos dad is just buying it for her to enjoy and torture them kinda like the girl in finding nemo, If you get what I mean.. So basically a good home :), Someone...
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    Good Deal

    that's pretty cool though, as long as it doesnt hurt em or anything, maybe if you had a smaller tank without a heater, then the temp wouldn't be very high, well im just guessing the average household is between 69-72 degrees. maybe I might get one for my 3.5 gallon tank, just cuz they look cool...
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    Good Deal

    Ya not so much of a good deal, usually anenomes are pretty hard to care for, and don't really do much to clean up a tank ???
  15. X


    try this, take a water bottle, cut the top off like 2 inches down, then take the top and invert it around and glue it on with hot glue, *non toxic type* and then there should be a hole, and all you have to do is set it in and wait, also put bait in it, and try to set it by where he lives.... if...
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    5.5 Gallon :)

    Ya lol this reminds me my lfs has a 1/2 gallon fish tank and it has a huge aptasia in it, he won't let any other grow I guess, but the tank is just for the aptasia and it's really pretty cool, its big though, i think he's had it since he opened up the place, he has a filter on it with a little...
  17. X


    A protien skimmer is a great thing to keep your water clear. And a sump never hurts. I suggest for a cheap filter a pengiun bio-wheel. It establishes great biological filtration on the roatating filter media due to the air and water mix, plus it creates a great ledge for any type of kelp to grow...
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    Need Some Help...water Change Or Not?

    When your cycling your tank the best thing is to let it go it's course, you shouldn't put anything like ammoinia buffers in the tank either, that can mess up the cycle or prolong it, because if the balance of organisms and bacteria are not right the dissappearing ammonia can stunt the growth of...
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    Selling My Nano Tank.. Please Read..

    Um ha ha skitzo (j/k) I'm definitley not a fake person, But ya I'm going to college in california and my family doesn't wan't to take care of it, the thing was that, when I started up the tank I knew college was coming so I decided I would set up a tank down in southern cali and then transfer...
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    Selling My Nano Tank.. Please Read..

    All i need is an opinion guys come on...
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    Selling My Nano Tank.. Please Read..

    So I have now had it two years and the only fish that have died were my cyclers back in the first 2 months, My clown fish is now two in a half years old, VERY freindly and I am very sad about leaving him He's my baby I got him as a wee lil bugger... My Flame IS so beautiful And I will be very...
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    Well Heres An Update After Such A Long Time

    Ya I do, But i'll have to try harder to get a picture of my mandarine, he scoots away in the knick of time, so i never can get one of him.... I'll post them soon, but right now i'm studying for my Ap exam... :sly: Ya I do, But i'll have to try harder to get a picture of my mandarine, he scoots...
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    Well This Is A Real Pain In The Bum...

    Ya I have the same crab guys, i think the picture is just confusing they dont have tails, but if i'm right if you ever poke it or try and get it it is really strong and just grabs onto the rock. I got myne out and i enjoy it in it's own tank, but it ate some of my corals, so you need to get it...
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    Well Heres An Update After Such A Long Time

    So about 4 months ago I got another urchin and a mandarine goby, i had troubles with it since i bought it starving , and I also got some kelp. So the update is, that my mandarine is doing fine even since it's a 30 gallon, he is still a bit shy but will probably warm up, my clown and flame are...
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    I Need An Answer

    I have a hydrometer n i have never compared it to anything accurate, i just go by how everything is acting, so on the hydrometer it reads 1.025 usually at 80 degrees, and everything does fine when it's at that. But I got a top up system and i didn't realize I have soo much evaporation in my tank...
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    I Need An Answer

    Ok I read about it somewhere, when fish have a hard time pooping lol and it doesn't leave their body, what is that caused from? this answer will lead to what is wrong with my tank, I think it is caused by low salinity but Again I'm asking to make sure.
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    Actually sometimes urchins like to pass over powerheads, it doesnt usually hurt them unless they have long spines getting caught. and if your urchins has lost spikes it feels vulnerable and it may feel uncomfortable so higher water pressure sometimes seems to feel good to urchins in bad moods...
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    Hmmm Strange Days

    Lol ha ha Ya sometimes when I'm rushing I make a ton of typos lol!!! no it's supposed to be 1.024 and it has gone all the way down to 1.020 probably 1.019 and so i have had a bucket of water from the tank with more salt added dripping into the tank 1 drop every 2 seconds since last night, and...
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    uuuggg I have alot to say lol, alright a black long spine, rock etcher, pincushin, and tuxedo, urchin will all be fine in nitrates up to 40 ppm, anything above that is when spines are gonna drop. rock slate urchins are fine until nitrates hit 28ppm, just to let u kno... but if your nitrates are...
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    Hmmm Strange Days

    So I noticed when I got home my corals aren't opened up, and my 2 out of 3 urchins have lost some spines, just some, so i tested all my water parameters and the only thing that is bad is 20 ppm of nitrates. but that is no where near enough to do anything weird to my tank, since it used to be at...
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    I Have New Livestock

    just the pods. he doesnt even notice the frozen since he hangs in the back, flakes fly around so he kinda does, but i think mysis will be good since he will see em crawling !!!!!! It will b exciting to get em in i ordered them, and if he is eating little things that move i'm sure he will eat...
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    I Have New Livestock

    ya hes eating away,this weekend i sill go find some, my lfs might have them, but i have a feeling i'll just order it, everyone comments how beautiful it is, and i just sit the thinking ( if only you knew all the wokk involved) most people that dont know about saltwater have told me it's sooo...
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    I Have New Livestock

    alright, any good places to get them? thanks for all the advice, every day his stomach is less and less inverted. He's very shy but I'm shure that would change liek all fish... I think it will be a challenge getting him to eat, how hard is it usually to get the to eat? any stories?
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    I Have New Livestock

    On ummm live aquaria they sell white shrimp??? but im not sure which is best, ya i'll read up, since if this guy starves he only has maybe a week, but his stomach is getting a little bigger since when i got him it was practicly making his body an L shape.. now he's probably close to normal...
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    I Have New Livestock

    So i figure if he makes it maybe i should sell him, but i was also thinking some people get theirs to eat normal flake food you think i could try that? its a logn shot but its worht trying...
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    Sickly Urchin

    Not to bore you or anything, I read a book mainly on urchins and it stated that since most urchins don't have eyes, the tank size means nothing for crawling around space its only a certains size for their food ratio intake. so in english If you were walking on a treadmill and closed your eyes it...
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    I Have New Livestock

    Ya nvm i read up on it he will keep eating it so i'll just find another place for it
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    I Have New Livestock

    Ya he keeps eating it, they have eaten almost half of it, so i put it in a bag n hung it at the top for now... The mandarin is hunting, he ate a flake of food but never went for more. So if i buy just one bottle of copepods can't i just breed them in a bucket with some grape kelp or w/e then...
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    I Have New Livestock

    That's like 100 dollars though, maybe if i shop around... I was also thinking if i bought feeder shrimp? smaller ones i would eat these right? annd what do I do my urchin won't stop trying to eat my grape kelp, its the longspined black one, Will he keep dining on it?
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    I Have New Livestock

    Well after 5 months I finally went back to get some grape kelp and a protein skimmer. I also upped my cleaner by 5 new hermits and 2 new snails, i was going to get a cowrie, but they said it might cut itself on my substrate since i have rock, i dont think it would but maybe you can tell me...