So about 4 months ago I got another urchin and a mandarine goby, i had troubles with it since i bought it starving , and I also got some kelp. So the update is, that my mandarine is doing fine even since it's a 30 gallon, he is still a bit shy but will probably warm up, my clown and flame are best freinds and they help eachother get food n such 5 days ago my flame got some food and brought it to my clown, a bit odd i must say... My kelp was almost all eaten by my urchin so i scooped up what i could and put it a bag n now i have more than what i need. my new skimmer that i had bought almost killed all of the corals in my tank, they are still recovering. So I don't know what i am going to do with it, maybe i might try it again and just make sure i get some additives and keep the corals happy... my urchin is doing fine (rock etchin urchin) and to support the mandarin's diet i will soon be getting mysis shrimp to add, it's been hard since very few places sell them... But since my nitrates went down my copepods decided to flourish so my mandarine is happy.