Hermit Crabs..


Fish Herder
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire (York Area)
We just got our first critters for our Nano and whve been enjoying them for the last day or so while they are settling in. My son asked an interesting question...
How do they Poo? PMSL well he is 13 but it is an interesting question there butts are obviously tucked deep inside their shell to anchor them, so do they pull ther butt out their shell to poo? LOL I'm watching with bated breath and my camera to see if i can answer the question.
Pic of some of our new crew :hyper:


they move the poo out with there legs inside there shell. lol.
lol, I have no idea how they actually do it, but my big electric blue leaves evidence that he does poo somehow all over the tank :lol:
I heard two ways on the internet so far. They collect it in the back of the shell and then at night time cleans it out. The other one was bazare...they poop out of there antenne
LOL.. well after many hours of constant observation ...NOT... LOL i caught them at it :) They turf it out with a mixture of wriggling and leg work :) every so often they stop eating and a cloud of........... comes out from their shell..lol
Ha Ha interesting topic lol, but it really is... hmm this brings me to a question, why do mandarines spew out tan clouds of junk out their gills what is it?

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