Fish List Ok


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
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Hiya, im looking into getting a 48"x18"x18" tank and going fish only,


- 2 tomato clowns
- Firefish
- Bi colour angel
- Triangulate/ Black Back / Octo 8 Line/ Threadfin OR Orange backed butterflyfish (bit Hmmm on that one)
- Royal Gramma
- Six lined wrasse OR Long Nose Filefish

Is that pushing it?

Thats about 67 gallons or 254 liters. This will be fine for two clowns, a firefish, a bicolour angel will be fine in a 30 gallon tank so your safe, A royal gramma should be fine, but keep in mind their aggressiveness, the wrasse and filefish are also fine but also keep in mind for a fish only tank, a long nose filefish is definitley not an ideal choice, they sometimes are not happy without coral if not always...

From what I have read a black back should be fine, never heard of a triangulate or octo 8 lined (doesnt mean they dont exhist) also are you sure you didn't mean orange banded butterflyfish? and a threadfin should be fine in that tank size. I would just research more into their behaviors, as they are fine for 67 gallons, but the compatibility may not be there, i could be wrong though, look into that if you are considering these fish .....
sry im in a rush so the and spelling is not perfect :) and grammer :)
Thats about 67 gallons or 254 liters. This will be fine for two clowns, a firefish, a bicolour angel will be fine in a 30 gallon tank so your safe, A royal gramma should be fine, but keep in mind their aggressiveness, the wrasse and filefish are also fine but also keep in mind for a fish only tank, a long nose filefish is definitley not an ideal choice, they sometimes are not happy without coral if not always...

From what I have read a black back should be fine, never heard of a triangulate or octo 8 lined (doesnt mean they dont exhist) also are you sure you didn't mean orange banded butterflyfish? and a threadfin should be fine in that tank size. I would just research more into their behaviors, as they are fine for 67 gallons, but the compatibility may not be there, i could be wrong though, look into that if you are considering these fish .....
sry im in a rush so the and spelling is not perfect :) and grammer :)

Hi thanks for the reply :good:
So i will go with the 6 line wrasse instead of the Filefish, thats fine. Here are the butterflyfish, (Triangle butterflyfish) (Octo 8 Line)

But if i could get a threadfin then that would be better.

So you think if i got,

- 2 tomato clowns
- Firefish
- Bi colour angel
- Threadfin butterflyfish
- Royal Gramma
- 6 line wrasse

Would i be OK?
I am going to have a load of ocean rock so lots of hiding places.
Yes you should be fine, the triangulum requires too large of a tank size, so don't get that one, and I have heard bad reviews about the octo 8 line, the most common name is striped butterfly fish. But I heave heard they are not very hardy fish and may be difficult for a beginner. You won't be able to have any shrimp with the threadfin ... But if you choose these fish make sure you look into which ones are the most docile and get them first. get the territorial fish at the end like the royal gramma... But I would highly recommend having a quarantine tank, otherwise your investments into the fish can be very costly if a desease outbreak occurs, and if it's a fish only tank and you never add any inverts or corals then you can always just dose the water with treatments straight into the tank... good luck!!

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