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  1. S

    Haha my scary hamster

    Hey Wisp! What a cutie Hamster :wub:
  2. S

    Can an angel fish live in a 10 gal tank?

    Angels require a tank of at least 18" high also in order for them to be able to grow to their full potential.
  3. S

    new on here

    How big are the lumps and are they coloured differently than the body? Do you have any photos that might help us?
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    Silver Mollie

    If they're not moving at all then I'm afraid it's not looking good. The fry should be born free swimming. If not then they are either being aborted by the mother for some reason or have been still born :-(
  5. S

    this is baby eric

    lol, the forever changing hair colour. I'm sure it was red not so long ago :D
  6. S

    this is baby eric

    :wub: :wub: :wub: Awwww, what a cutie!
  7. S

    how do i do a water change?

    Dont worry it's done against the side of the tank so there's no worry of a huge weight of water landing on the fish, it slides nicely in :nod:
  8. S

    just wanted to share my achievement

    Sounds good to me. I've also sellotaped a picture of a reeeeeeaaaally overweight woman wearing a bikini that I found on google onto the inside of my purse. Now everytime I want to buy something from the tuck shop at work and I open my purse, it's puts me off instantly :sick:
  9. S

    just wanted to share my achievement

    Well done!!! :D What would you say was the key to your success? I'm starting my new and improved lifestyle TODAY and hope to be following in your footsteps :unsure:
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    how do i do a water change?

    I use a battery operated syphon to remove a bucket full of water making sure I suck up all the poop I can see. Then I tip a clean bucket of dechlorinated water back in to top the tank back up (checking that the temperature is similar to that of the tank).
  11. S


    I think that there are a couple of ways that they can abort pregnancies depending on how far gone they are. If they havent been pregnant for long I believe that they can re-absorb the babies which means there will be no gravid spot visible as this dark area is essentially the eyes of the fry...
  12. S

    what are the benifits of using air pumps

    I have bristlenose plecs and amano shrimp to help control my algae. A grand job they do of it too :nod:
  13. S

    How often do YOU do a water change?

    I have a slightly overstocked (and overfiltered) 39 gallon tank that I do a 20% water change on once a week. Between water changes I also have a groovy gizmo that sucks the poop out but doesnt remove the water ;) I do this once or twice a week depending on how messy the sand gets.
  14. S

    Unexplained deaths

    Any chance of the nitrite and nitrate readings too? If you don thave the test kits for these take a water sample along to your lfs. They should be able to test it for you. It could be that adding 5 plattys at once has sent your nitrate sky high as they are very good at producing waste!
  15. S


    What event got you hooked on fishkeeping? Seeing my uncles huuuuuuuuuuuuuge tank when I was a nipper. Ever since then I have wanted fish. I loved playing with the algae magnet (poor fish). Mind you thinking about it I never remember seeing fish in there :unsure: What fish was it? Well it's...
  16. S

    disappearing fish

    I had a tetra do that once. Poof! gone. The filter didnt chew it, I didnt find it partially eaten and it's never been seen since. -_-
  17. S

    Random pics

    I just looooooooove those cons :wub: I bet you're glad you didnt sell that tank now??
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    baby george

    WOW what an experience!!! I'm glad everything turned out well too :wub:
  19. S

    Do your fish yawn?

    Heres a link for those too lazy to search Click Here
  20. S

    Do your fish yawn?

    Something tells me you've actually done this?
  21. S

    The Wolfs holiday snaps

    Awwwwww I miss Turkey sooooo much. :kewlpics: *Makes a resolution to go back there SOON*
  22. S

    cold water pond tank???

    Seems to have worked out well! Better than having a huge pile of solid gravel in there anyway! Well done.
  23. S

    Some Community Pictures

    Lovely pics Anna ;)
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    Edith update 30.04.05

    YAY YAY YAY YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Edie had kittens! :fun: *runs around manically*
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    New fish

    Looks a bit like my Bosemani rainbows
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    my anniversary

    Happy Anniversary to Boo and all your fishes too! :P
  27. S

    UK MEET 26.03.05

    Any of the above are fine by me especially since I'll hopefully be driving soon.
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    o yer

    Yep, that's the one. I bought 6 female Plattys as my first fish. Added some cories after a while then got Platty fry! Somehow I dont think the cories were responsible :no:
  29. S


    I use a plant weight :nod:
  30. S

    Nix's Poem

    Ohhhhhh how very clever of you. I bet you're really proud of it :nod: The poem brought a tear to my eye too :-(
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    golden nuggets

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I bought myself a lil Goldie on Sunday and after a few days of hiding he's out and about all the time now :wub: Mine was £20 just for the one though -_- Anyway to get back on track, what's your PH at?
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    UK MEET 26.03.05

    I think that's about the time we left last time too toggle. I'll be getting into Birmingham station at 10.56am ish (need to grab a birthday card and a CD from somewhere before we meet) OK so 12 noon by the little fountain right outside the entrance to the Sea Life Centre?
  33. S


    Lil show us some pics of the bristlenose fry you've recently had! I can't wait to see them :wub:
  34. S

    Destroy your brain..

    Hmmmm, maybe looking at that through sleep deprived eyes wasn't such a good idea. Can I get off the rollercoaster now please? I feel sick :sick: I'm sooooooooooooooo using that on my desktop :fun:
  35. S

    I think i may be a fool

    You wouldnt think so unless you had ammonia first. I cant understand why the levels are reading as such when the tank is 1) overstocked and 2) cycling. Oddness *rubs forehead* Well it's 4am here so I'm gonna go sleep on it, see what the morning brings. PS - Get that filter media ASAP :nod:
  36. S

    I think i may be a fool

    How very bizarre I'd have thought it would be sky rocketting. What about Nitrites and Nitrates?
  37. S

    I think i may be a fool

    Sorry to hear that Tor :byebye: It's probably because of the ammonia that's likely to be building up, hence why you need to get the filter/cycle sorted asap. I hope there's no more fatalities :-(
  38. S

    I think i may be a fool

    Glad to see things might be sorting themselves out for you Tor. Come back and let us know how the filter change goes :nod:
  39. S

    Dark substrate

    I had black gravel when I had my first tank and I loved it. :nod: Only reason I changed to sand was because everyone in here kept telling me how much my cories would love it. They were right too :rolleyes:
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    First Post here

    Welcome to the forum snappybob and it was great to see you in livechat too! I hope you enjoy your time here.