New fish


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
Ya... I bought a fish and I don't know what it is. Arrest me :p

He's been at wal-mart for four months. Everytime I go I always say, "If you are still here next time I'm going to buy you!" So after four months, I finally did. Four months at wal-mart!!! Can you believe it! Miracle fishie :wub:

I'm thinking stunted giant danio or some other type of danio/minnow. Whaddya think?



I bet now that I have him he's going to grow 10 feet and eat all of my other fish. :grr: :fun:

Oh, and I got a bunch of Golden Wonders. 2 males and 5 females. Wal-mart didn't know what they were, so I bought every one they had for $2 each :whistle:

My paradise fish was going to eat them :lol:
I'm not sure what kind of fish your new one is but I thought I would bump it back to the top of the page so you can hopefully get more replies :thumbs:

He's a cute little guy though :wub:
I would say its a pearl danio:-


  • pearl_danio.jpg
    10 KB · Views: 24
But on second thoughts it could be a giant danio like u said. :thumbs:
4 months in Wal Mart - from what everyone says about it isnt that a record
In fact from what I read on this and lots of other forums that fish has been there longer than any aquatics employee :lol: :lol:
LOL :lol: I was so surprised to see him there. He was always in the middle or top tank on the left side with the tetras and danios. Poor guy. :wub:

I have him in a tank with two pearls and he doesn't look anything like them.

After talking to sun in chat and looking up some more Rainbowfish info, I found a pic of a young dwarf rainbow.

What do you guys think? He/she has the orange stripes
After taking pics I still think he's a young/stunted giant. Look at the head compaired to my pearls. It's almost exactly the same. He's some kind of danio. He has that faint giant pattern with the green stripes and then the spots on the chest, they just show up better with the flash on the camera.

His body shape looks similar to the female pearl, but nothing like the male. He tries to swim around with them but can't keep up. It's so sad :-( I can just see him saying "Wait for meee!" He has never gone to the bottom area of the tank either.







Found this in a google search

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