Haha my scary hamster


Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
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Van BC Canada

^^^ this is when she tries to look innocent after chewing up my eraser :angry:

^^^ here she is again when I wake her up and she growls at me :p
Ahahahaha, now that is just plain cute! I love the look he gives u once hes destroyed somethning! :rofl: What a cutie :thumbs:
Aaaw, she's so cute! Hamsters are illegal here but if they weren't.. well, lets just say our house would be full of the creaking noise of many hamster wheels. :shifty:

The second pic is my favourite: 'Get lost mum, I need my beauty sleep!'
SPLiSH said:
Aaaw, she's so cute! Hamsters are illegal here but if they weren't.. well, lets just say our house would be full of the creaking noise of many hamster wheels. :shifty:

The second pic is my favourite: 'Get lost mum, I need my beauty sleep!'
you must be joking right ? :eek: why on earth are they illegal ? could they become a pest or something ?!
African Dwarf (and Clawed) Frogs are illegal here as well, which sucks as many people here have them and say they are great :-( ... rabbits and ferrets are illegal where I live (QLD), so are frogs and turtles without a licsence.

It's mainly because Cane toads were introduced a hundred years ago or so but they spread and are now a MASSIVE pest. So our government is paranoid that the country is going to be overrun with aquatic frogs or something. :blink:
Ahh that's such a same :-( though I can understand it.....
That is a cute hamster, couldn't keep them again though they are so distructive.
Piggy.... what about Penelope or something? Slightly more flattering. :D

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