Silver Mollie


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Hello my silver mollie is having fry right now but they are not moving.. Can some please help me out. How do i know that they are going to make it. they have little eyes... But not a full body...should I start picking them up and put them in the net????
If they're not moving at all then I'm afraid it's not looking good. The fry should be born free swimming. If not then they are either being aborted by the mother for some reason or have been still born :-(
it sounds to me like the mum has aborted them :crazy:

when my livebearers have fry they are quite still but moving a little bit!!!
do they look like they are curled up because :dunno: sometimes they wil uncurl after a couple of hours :D if they do look like this just get a spoon and very lightly give them a little nudge. :D :) :D .it works for me :thumbs:

if not it doesnt look good for the little fry :sad: :-( :sad: .
Well I got 12 little fry in the breeder tank. Well one I found in my filter when I was checking it to make sure all was ok. I can't belive after 2 days it was still living. There all in the breeder tank and doing great.. : :D :wub:
Awwww, congratulations!! :D

They sound like tough little fry, especially the one in the filter!
Glad to hear that they're OK and there was no reason to panic after all :)

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