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  1. K

    What would you do with 1000g?

    seriously though, if money wasn't the issue then i'd buy a bigger house to accomodate the 1000gal tank :P
  2. K

    What would you do with 1000g?

    ohhhhhhhh that sounds excellent *bliss*
  3. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    Lol, i think im going to have to learn too aswell, me and my big mouth :whistle:
  4. K

    What would you do with 1000g?

    id go swimming with the fishies :lol:
  5. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    yes i agree i should of thought about it, but how many others think when are in a similar situation, i didn't mean any harm and i'm sorry. But their was also some horrible comments made about me too, which was uncalled for too, no names mentioned, but at least i apologised. I'm pleased you are...
  6. K


    Hiya, i have to agree with Sorrell. I'm with you pointy, i don't feel you or your dog has done any harm, i do agree though that you should face the music, nerve racking, but at least you will have piece of mind.
  7. K


    i used to own a crayfish, one morning i came down to see what i thought was a dead crayfish, i got rather upset, called my sleeping hubby from his bed(he works night's) pointing at the tank that his lobster was dead, for my hubby to lift up the lid and find alive and well on the underside of the...
  8. K

    Wots a good temp for my tank????

    i have mine at 78 :)
  9. K


    hahahaha, its happened to me too :*)
  10. K

    The next tank plan!

    looks fab.
  11. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    i'm sorry if i said anything out of order, i didn't mean it like that. I just have strong view's on not flushing fish down the toilet.
  12. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    you tell me to grow up, but what about the others, they we're the ones takin the p*** maybe they should grow up and respect other people,yourself included :P
  13. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    Don't ever tell me to grow up, you don't know me, i do have fun, but not at a fishes expence.
  14. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    i think its ignorant, joking about dead fish and such. There is a time and place for jokes, not really acceptable on serious matters imo. :no: Ppl come here to get advice and learn, but when all you are doing is taking the p*** then how is that setting a good example?
  15. K

    crushed coral

    i don't know if this will help
  16. K

    juwel aquariums

    i have 4 juwel tanks and in 2 of them i have airstones with no probs, and i have the air venturi valve on 3 of them.
  17. K

    Tank still cycling

    I honestly think you have added to many fish to soon, hence why you have had a spike. What size tank is it? and what fish do you have in there?
  18. K

    live food

    Salt????? Drain the water away.
  19. K


    Hiya and welcome to the board
  20. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    im not saying you flush them down the loo, but from the sounds of it lots of people do, and its wrong, and if you disagree with flushing fish down the pan, then you should say, not make a joke of it, my fish are not a joke
  21. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    At the end of the day good fish keepers don't flush, dead dying, diseased fish down the pan. I'm sorry, might sound a little harsh but its true
  22. K

    Does cleaning gravel kill good bacteria ?

    Actually the substrate contains a lot of the bacteria too, when cleaning the substrate you should only do a quarter at a time.
  23. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    you wanted a link, there are more where that came from
  24. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    actually, you lot if you stop and think for a change, what we excrete is natural organics, which break down naturally. flushing a fish with ulcer etc is not natural and doesn't break down, it just releases nasties into our water systems, so you lot might laugh, but its no joke. Water boards can...
  25. K

    Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

    wouldn't it be better not to flush dead fish down the toilet? that can release nasties into our water systems.
  26. K

    My first tank, 1 hour old!

    i didn't think stress zyme was a cycling aid :-( To cycle a tank properly these aids don't really work, really you need to be looking at a fishless cycle with adding ammonia, or a fish cycle with hardy fish, not fancy goldfish im afraid. Tank looks great though. :)
  27. K

    Fishy Pictures!!

    great pics :)
  28. K

    What have i done wrong

    i recieved the pm's when i joined, and then comments we're made by this person on that thread, by kribs mate, and he then took it over to another forum that i am a member of, and consequently he was banned from there. I'm also fed up with this too, all this bickering is not what fish are about...
  29. K

    What have i done wrong

    I never started that thread, I never asked for the sly and nasty comments from members. I did pm and i also apologised for that thread even though i never started it, i didn't have to apologise but none the less, i did. I even gave the name of the member in question, but that was all. I'm not...
  30. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    You lot are constantly having a go at us, you can't even see any good in us, thats not fair and is an attack on us
  31. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    I do not have my own agenda and neither does my friend, i'm sick and tired of you lot having your heads in the clouds, its not fair, we never even bought it up, and i never last time, i tried to keep it to pm, but you ignored that.
  32. K

    Going away

    Hi your fish will be fine without food for that length of time, don't worry, just feed before you go, not anymore than normal.
  33. K

    What do you hate when little kids r in a LFS

    Its not fair to always blame children, what about the adults. There are plenty who just go into a pet store, pick up a tank, choose to many of the wrong fish, grab some plant and flake and go home to their newly made disaster. And about tapping glass, well yesterday when i went to my lfs there...
  34. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    i have just had a look at the pm i sent Inchworm and i did complain about the person in question
  35. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    i gave the link to show what i said. I never attacked Cheese specialist, it wasn't my post. I agreed that it was over stocked, i still think it is, but not for me to say, i was polite at all times. The person in question is easily regonisable on the thread in question
  36. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    I did actually PM Inchworm though, maybe she can update you on what i said.
  37. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    I decided not to "grass" up the offender as i don't like tittle tattling, but this person has continued to get rather personal, i don't want to "run" away, why should i, i have not actually done anything wrong, but everytime i post it seems as though everybody has something against me, and that...
  38. K

    AM I too easily offended ?

    To be honest if i may stick my oar in here, i find this site very clicky and non too friendly, i also am a member of other forum's and have made some good friends, but on here, all i have had are snidy comments, i have been fish keeping along time and get fed up when ppl who don't even know me...
  39. K

    My nitrIte has gone back up again

    ok but you are still saying that a PH of less than 7 means you don't have to worry about your NH3, yes you do.
  40. K

    My nitrIte has gone back up again

    emmmmm, what you mean if your PH is less than 7 you don't need to worry about nitrates, i beg to differ, you should worry about nitrates what ever the PH, So really your saying that Discus who have low PH (for example) it doesn't matter if they have high nitrate's. I think you had better do...