What have i done wrong

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2003
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I never started that thread, I never asked for the sly and nasty comments from members.

I did pm and i also apologised for that thread even though i never started it, i didn't have to apologise but none the less, i did.

I even gave the name of the member in question, but that was all.

I'm not a troll, i know what a troll is, im not trying to draw attension to myself, i am just trying to figure out what I have actually done, apart from stick up for myself and be a member on this site. It is very unfair to blame me when i haven't done anything.

If you want to close this thread then thats up to you, but im upseting no one by starting a new thread of my own.

Kribs mate never actually went out of his way to cause trouble either, he actually joined because i recommended him and because you have an excellent thread on mbuna cichlids, inwhich he is very keen on.

So wether or not you accept this i still have had to say it, but i am not apologising anymore for things i haven't done. That is unfair.
sheesh, you don't give up easily do you?
whichever one of you posted that CS's tank were hideously overstocked deserves to be put to bed for a timeout!!!
just because you keep your fish one way, doesn't mean that everyone has to do exactly the same as you does it?
as for how we feel about trolls here, read my sig and find out.
There are many people on here that have offered their opinion that many people agree with. I don't think it's fair to single out one or two people. As I said in a different thread, people keep fish differently and as long as they are all happy, then what's the big deal.

Im not defending anyone, especially CS since he has been mean to me on occasion. I also agree with the cliq comment made in the other thread started by Julia. 'Tis why my participation on this forum has gone down significantly.

Kribensis and Krib's mate,

Your trollish behavior has resulted in a good thread going so far off topic that I had to close it.

Your contribution here should have been done by PM, not on a thread in front of all the members. Since you chose to carry on in public, I'm issuing this warning here, also in public so the members can see what happens to people who turn an ongoing discussion into a personal playground.

You are a team of trolls (see this thread, too.) and you may consider this post a warning. Your welcome here is getting thin.


The definition of a troll may be found here:


i find this ver offensive and if you read the post again it was your moderators holding the discussion with myself.

As far as i am concerned you can stick your forum where the sun doesnt shine i have never met a bunch of clueless idiots in my life.
i have never trolled i have just given my opinion when i see something that needs saying. i cant see where i have given any bad advice anywhere either.
i can see where i and krib have had snidy comments towads ourselves though
the moderators are as clueless as the newbie members (which is worrying) and if you all go around condoning stocking tanks at the levels i have seen in most of the members tanks on here i find it very unprofessional and ver worrying.

i am shocked to see moderators rise to this and this again just shows how unprofessional this forum is.

i actually hoped i could of stayed around and maybe put some input into it but after this theres is no way i would want to be part of it and im sure you wouldnt want me here either.

end of chat

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
i dont agree that this forum is 'clicky' in any way... we all (normaly) get on well with everyone.... most of the time :rolleyes:

cant this just eb layed to rest for cryin out loud?

btw cs is female... no offence..
freshwatergal said:
There are many people on here that have offered their opinion that many people agree with. I don't think it's fair to single out one or two people. As I said in a different thread, people keep fish differently and as long as they are all happy, then what's the big deal.

Im not defending anyone, especially CS since he has been mean to me on occasion. I also agree with the cliq comment made in the other thread started by Julia. 'Tis why my participation on this forum has gone down significantly.

I think you'll find I am a she and when I told you to grow up, you deserved it. You were being childish. I have been fine with you any other time, voted for your fish in competitions...we can't agree on everything!!

Kribensis, I just looked at the thread made by Julia and also at the Thread from the Newbie forum and I don't know what I was meant to see there. I didn't see anyone be nasty to you at all, but I did see your reply that seemed like someone had (did you have them pm at that point?).

Your mate:

its words on a screen. nothing more nothing less. a great way to get information and give your opinion or your experiences but remember..ITS NOT REAL LIFE.

I have nothing against you or the other one but I do think you got off on the wrong foot by making a personal attack to me. I understand that it was not you who made the topic but as you and the other one have linked yourselves together, that's how it is. I have had a pm about my tank from another member and I did not find it offensive at all, I think it was how it was done rather than what was said. ;)

I don't know why people have taken to making threads about themselves. I am sorry to hear you are having problems on the forums and I understand that you could find it cliquey but it is not the case. The fact is that some people have been on the forum for a long time and get to 'know' each other. That doesn't mean you are not welcome, it just means you are new!

I don't personally think either of you are 'trolls' either, as I said above I think you just went about saying you had a problem with my tanks in the wrong way and did not acknowledge my replies to your problems.

If you don't like this forum, why not join another? I am a member of several and although they don't have as many members they are good. Alternativley, you could registyer in a different name but I do not think you'll be treated any differently other than the pm.

It'd be a shame for you to leave over nothing. :dunno:
freshwatergal said:
OMG...now let's get sh***y because I said he instead of she. Give me a break
Did you not read what I said?

Bloody hell!! If you take offense to that, you'd take offence to anything! :/ If you take offence to everything, how woud people know when you are really offended?

"Offend freshwatergal, nah she gets offended at everything"

i recieved the pm's when i joined, and then comments we're made by this person on that thread, by kribs mate, and he then took it over to another forum that i am a member of, and consequently he was banned from there.

I'm also fed up with this too, all this bickering is not what fish are about.

BUT i am not a troll, and neither is kribs mate.
Kribensis said:
i recieved the pm's when i joined, and then comments we're made by this person on that thread, by kribs mate, and he then took it over to another forum that i am a member of, and consequently he was banned from there.

I'm also fed up with this too, all this bickering is not what fish are about.

BUT i am not a troll, and neither is kribs mate.
It was you that made the tread ;)

So, you are complaining about something that happened on another forum and that we didn't know about (with the pm)?

Maybe it's because you said you didn't think the forum was friendly in your 'intro' topic and people didn't think anything had been done against you?
I disagree greatly with the cliquey comment. Might I suggest FWG's comments come amidst a conflict of interest with her being a mod on another site.

So now, Freshwatergal, kribensis and kribs_mate have all said how much this forum sucks, and have suggested they won't be coming back, lets hope things get back to normal as such this topic is closed.

Any disagreements etc. PM myself.

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