Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

heresmike said:
Kribensis said:
wouldn't it be better not to flush dead fish down the toilet? that can release nasties into our water systems.
Hmmm... yeah. I never flush anything nasty down my toilet!

gotta chop it up first ay :lol: .

Heresmike , Is that CocoPele[ spelling ?] on your avatar? :devil:
i flush my orange seeds down the toilet, along with some gum and its wrapped in toilet paper. how cool is that? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i also flush lemonade and some chocolate down the toilet :whistle:
A few weeks ago I had a dead pleco.... I sent him on the great brown log flume into the big unknown.... I dont see a problem with that..... apart from the fact he is probably rat food now :sad:
actually, you lot if you stop and think for a change, what we excrete is natural organics, which break down naturally. flushing a fish with ulcer etc is not natural and doesn't break down, it just releases nasties into our water systems, so you lot might laugh, but its no joke. Water boards can filter through our sh** etc, but they can't always filter through the nasties that a fish might have. So next time one of your fish dies think about it, i mean humans don't get flushed down the loo when we die, so why should your precious fish?????????????
Yes mother....

seriously tho, if there is any info on this nasty occurance you mention then please provide a link.... I'll be honest its not something I've ever thought of.
Ahh come on guys you don't have to worry about all the stuff that is flushed into the sewers coming out in your water. The water treatment is so thorough that they're going to kill off all the bugs :D Thtas why chlorine and all these additives are added. They do think of these things you know ;) 'my god bob someones flushed a fish down the loo' , 'dammit I knew we should have fish proofed the system'
'Would you feel comfortable using a toilet knowing that a diseased fish had just been swimming there?' Would you feels Comfortable knowing , turds, tampons, sick from ILL people is in that water. Do you feel comfortable knowing that the water you drink has been through at least 5 bladders before. Etc. etc. O come on that little line is just plucked for the air. Why am I not sick every time I drink my tap water. This sought of stuff is formulated not knowing the true process' and science of water treatment. 'ohhh, there might be critters in it don't you know', give me a break.

*edit* this is not aimed at anyone and I wouldn't have replied on this topic but I hate the bastardisation and simplification of facts by people who don't know what they're talking about, not you the article ;) Misinformation is very dangerous. If you have to flush it kill it first though, isn't that common sense????
im not saying you flush them down the loo, but from the sounds of it lots of people do, and its wrong, and if you disagree with flushing fish down the pan, then you should say, not make a joke of it, my fish are not a joke
Achtung mein fish are nicht ein Joke, He he sorry couldn't resist ;) Frankly the way I see it I don't care how people deposit their fish as long as it is safe and considerate. He he I just though of something can you imagine trying to flush an oscar down the bog :rofl:
Sorry to go back on topic :)P), but what the hell is going on with that Kevin geezer?!

I am seriuosly disgusted.

P.S. I also don't think fish should be flushed because of the potential harm not only to the water system but also to any animals who may eat the diseased corpse. :eek:
i think its pretty sad that all you can do is laugh at this topic and poke fun at people who are trying to do their best :(

just goes to show how iresponsible some people really are imo

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