Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

I think there must be something in the water with all the bickering thats been going on of late. I could see DrOzio was just having a laugh on something which while of concern for some makes great material for some joking around..... made for both an educating and enjoyable read.

chillout peeps :whistle:
i think its ignorant, joking about dead fish and such. There is a time and place for jokes, not really acceptable on serious matters imo. :no:

Ppl come here to get advice and learn, but when all you are doing is taking the p*** then how is that setting a good example?
Come on guys I think we need to get this back into perspective.

1. Don't flush live fish down the Bog, its sick and cruel

2. Avoid flushing even because it might cause problems and unneccesary strain on the sewer system

3. don't take it too seriously when it comes to losing a fish. I've lost one or two and I know its sad but You only have one life so just lighten up, There are plenty more fish in the sea/LFS/Thailand

4. Lets have some fun instead of maning and groaning all the time, its getting pretty tiresome now and I know that includes me aswell ;)
Kribensis said:
At the end of the day good fish keepers don't flush, dead dying, diseased fish down the pan.

I'm sorry, might sound a little harsh but its true
so i am a bad fish keeper then? big deal, i've flushed more than a few (dead) fish in my 10 years as a fishkeeper. its no worse than using the toilet for what its intended, they do have things called sewerage stations that get rid of all the nasties before the water is recycled or flows into a river/the sea. :crazy:

grow up or have a sense of humour transplant. its seems that all you have done since you joined this forum is moan about things. :whistle:
3. don't take it too seriously when it comes to losing a fish. I've lost one or two and I know its sad but You only have one life so just lighten up, There are plenty more fish in the sea/LFS/Thailand

Unfortunately fish has only one life too. If you keep living animals, then you also take good care of them.
Don't ever tell me to grow up, you don't know me, i do have fun, but not at a fishes expence.
you tell me to grow up, but what about the others, they we're the ones takin the p*** maybe they should grow up and respect other people,yourself included :p
Here we go again :rolleyes: , Kribensis i am so sick of reading posts by you where you manage to turn a thread into a slanging match that words cant describe it. If you find us all so offensive and unintellegent then please feel free to bog off back to whatever perfect forum you came from.

AA you should know better, even your signature says dont feed the trolls :lol:
Here we go again...

I don't understand why it must always be going like this on practically every thread.


I have just been welcoming some new people, they don't know what they are letting themselves in for.

*geez* can't we just forget whatever has alread happened?
Oh dear. here we go again. Moderators acting like that is disgusting. yes i am a mate of kribensis but you can't possibly say she has caused an arguement here.

all the way through this post she has had here comments rubbished and has had the piss taken out of her. Thats what caused this. then you get people moaning about people maoning... go figure that one out. this whole thread has been rude to kribensis (ok not the whole thread but certain members)

its other people and yourself that need to grow up and also start to face up to responsibility of fishkeeping. I'm not causing an arguement here but this is disgusting. :no:
:crazy: TRUE STORY :crazy:

I work at the Chicago Board of Trade where we trade grain and financial futures and options. Before we were founded in 1848, farmers and ranchers would bring their cattle, hogs, grains, ect. to the city to sell or trade for goods. At the end of the day, what was left over was no brought home. They would conduct their trading next to the Chicago River. Yep, the live stock was put down and dumped into the river, so was the grains. It would be too costly to bring their goods home. Well the Chicago River flows out to Lake Michigan, Our souce of drinking water, and supposedly the cleanest of the Great Lakes. After years of dumping industrial waste from stockyards and factories, it is finally getting clean, if fact B.A.S.S. had one of theit fishing tourneys here in downtown chicago.

Its kinda scary thinking of all the things that have been dumped into my water supply over the years.

Sorry for going off subject. Just thought I'd share. :)
kribs mate said:
its other people and yourself that need to grow up and also start to face up to responsibility of fishkeeping. I'm not causing an arguement here but this is disgusting. :no:
Kribensis/kribs mate,

What both of you need to understand is that you are more likely to help someone become a better fishkeeper by engaging them positively and treating them with respect, something you're simply not doing right now.

If you feel someone is making a mistake (and people make a lot of them, that's why they're here!), you need to word your response and explanation of that mistake CONSTRUCTIVELY. In many of the threads you've been involved in, blame and negativity have been the rule. THAT is why people are upset with you.

Instead of accusing people of being bad fishkeepers, educate them on being a better one. I've seen you do it. But you only do it some of the time.

Keep your comments positive and focus on education, not accusation, and you'll be fine.

That's my $0.02.


i'm sorry if i said anything out of order, i didn't mean it like that. I just have strong view's on not flushing fish down the toilet.

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