Please, when a fish is flushed kill it first

The problem with flushing dead fish down the toilet is nothing to do with the quality of your drinking water. The problem is that the dead fish may contain virii, bacteria, parasites etc., that are quite tolerant of the waste water treatment process, being introduced into the wild eco system. Thus a river which never had pathogen "X" in it before now has, and because it is new, the local fish population has little or no immune response to it.

The waste water treatment plant is not much more then a super size biological filter, it uses the same types of bacteria to break down the noxious matter it is presented with. If a normal biological filter removed pests, then all of our aquariums would run pest free - do they?

I believe it is wrong to flush dead fish down the toilet.

As for flushing unwanted live fish - inexcusable.
Another interesting thread. Started out saying "if you must flush 'em, make sure they're dead". Followed by a question from kribensis "wouldn't it be better not to flush dead fish down the toilet?" and a statement "that can release nasties into our water systems."

"Nasties" is kind of a vague term, which is why we had a little fun with it, since most of the stuff that goes down the john is rather nasty. I for one didn't know there was any potential problem with flushing dead fish. Maybe if we'd been offered more details about what those "nasties" were from the git-go, we would've been properly educated, and the joking and bickering could've been avoided.

Just my 2cents.

Anyhoo, now I know not to flush 'em in the future.
i really dont see why everyone has to pick at everything kribensis says....

i dont see everyone elses posts being looked into this deeply.. nasties is a broad what? flushing fish is not the way to go for numerouse reasons. there no need to take the piss out it. :(

now i sound like a moaning old git too moaning about people moaning.... ;)
kribs mate said:
i really dont see why everyone has to pick at everything kribensis says....

i dont see everyone elses posts being looked into this deeply.. nasties is a broad what? flushing fish is not the way to go for numerouse reasons. there no need to take the piss out it. :(

now i sound like a moaning old git too moaning about people moaning.... ;)
Sorry if you think I'm picking at what kribensis said. Merely tried to provide an explanation as to why the joking took place, which eventually led to the bickering. And now that I've been provided with more details on what those nasties are and the problems it can cause, I'm better educated. Would've been nice to know those details up front. That's all I'm trying to say.
Kribensis said:
i'm sorry if i said anything out of order, i didn't mean it like that. I just have strong view's on not flushing fish down the toilet.
While I've mostly put dead fish in a plastic bag and thrown it out with the trash, I've occasionally flushed out of convenience. After hearing your argument and giving it some thought, I'll probably not be flushing anymore dead fish.

As was said, it wasn't the substance of the message that caused the problem, it was the delivery.

It's good that this was a worthwhile thread in the end and everyone understands one another now.

Thanks. :)
man oh man!
i'm sorry but has anyone else noticed REALLY rude or moody people lately
i mean seriously
i have been in 3 arguments in the past week alone trying to defend different people and myself from insulting comments
the scariest part is, that half of these "moody" people are good forum members just having one of those days
denos un descanso!
we all need to take a deep breath
can't we disagree without tearing open some throughts?
if you can't persuade someone to think what you think then don't try to stuff your opinions down their throught whether your right or not,
they (not implying anyone in particular) are obviously gunna stay stubborn ;)
At the end of the day good fish keepers don't flush, dead dying, diseased fish down the pan.

I think the above statement is where you went a little wrong... :/ I'm not going to flame you for it or anything. I just, once again, think you should have though a tad bit before writing this.

I'm a good fishkeeper and honestly, I never saw any harm in flushing the fish down the toilet......I am thinking differently now, but seriously......not many people do think about it!! :dunno:

Cheese....the Kevin post was closed......and this time my morals were attacked!! :-(

yes i agree i should of thought about it, but how many others think when are in a similar situation, i didn't mean any harm and i'm sorry. But their was also some horrible comments made about me too, which was uncalled for too, no names mentioned, but at least i apologised.

I'm pleased you are now thinking differently on not flushing.
Yes, I really am thinking differently. ;)

I sort of thought that you may get upset the way this thread was going but it really was in all good fun. I wasn't pokin'fun at you if that's what you thought.

I apologize for those of us who "appeared" to be hurting your feelings....yet again!!

I think we all will get long as we all start THINKING more!!! :lol:

Nowadays I make a HABIT of rereading my post before submitting it....TRUST ME, I end up changing it QUITE a bit sometimes :*) :nod:
Lol, i think im going to have to learn too aswell, me and my big mouth :whistle:
Why should we argue over what to flush down the potty, when we can argue about more important things :p Here on long Island our water is always clean because it comes from underground resevoirs. The fish get stuck in sand on the way down! :D
Well hey, guess what Cheese......................

You're my FAVORITE food!! :wub: :wub: :wub:


How's that for love.....

Okay, I know I'm off shoot me :eek:sama:


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