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  1. M

    Fishroom update

    wow kelly thats looks really good. but very time consuming
  2. M

    C'mon guys, lets be civil

    what we could do would be to get one person to bid on them, then everyone chuck in about $20 hehehehehe there'd be plenty of bettas to go round :lol:
  3. M


    my little girl from that post died :-( but i did have another male which got velvet. i did water changes morning and night and used protozen by water life i did this for about a week an a half and now he is just fine. hes back too his old self. Now i know what do do it was pretty simple to...
  4. M


    wow FM goodluck with everything. I hope they all make it safe and sound.
  5. M

    How much was that fish?

    very nice fish. but are they really worth that much??
  6. M

    Official show point standings

    at least you mad it on the list!! congrats you can only go up from there :D
  7. M

    Hello from down under

    she said Elisabeth83 is her daughter. Elisabeth83 also called her mother MOM and us assies dont do that. also if you look at where her daughters location is it says sweden. thats why i asked.
  8. M

    Hello from down under

    are you from aus or sweden?? i think yabbies are cute :D
  9. M

    Holy Cow<<<<<<<<<<lol

    i think he might be slighty older than that like fourplayfishy said thats only 5 weeks old. they are still only very small at that stage. but he does look very nice though
  10. M

    Oh my look at this tank for a betta

    what a goose. i like how he puts 'plenty of rroom for a betta' i guess hes probably still wondering why his died!!
  11. M

    Shutting down.

    wow! how sad :( so does this mean there wont be so many good potos coming from your tanks then??
  12. M

    Google image your user name

    this is what i got for mine
  13. M

    **NEW** Searchable User Gallery!!

    i just checked again and its definalty not there.
  14. M

    An insight into my tank

    the guys a goose :D hehehehe why rip off some one elses hard work?? Tjimbsoj probably doesnt even have a fish tank!!
  15. M

    **NEW** Searchable User Gallery!!

    thanks sorrell.
  16. M

    Angel Fry

    dont worry they will spawn. once they start they dont stop! mine do it every couple of weeks!! the problem is they are in a community and the eggs keep getten eaten. but they are so darn aggresive when they breed!!!!!
  17. M

    **NEW** Searchable User Gallery!!

    mine doesnt seem to be there either :( i did put one up in the other thread
  18. M

    Bottom feeder Feeding time

    WOW what a difference!! that doesnt look like the same fish!!
  19. M

    Angelfish dying

    so the water wasnt cycled??
  20. M

    Angelfish dying

    how long has the tank been set up for??
  21. M

    Rest In Peace

    sorry about your fish but they did have a betetr life with you then they would have
  22. M

    croaking gouramis

    i was in a local lfs today and notice a small fish in a tank with a whole lot of other gouramis (kissing gouramis and such) it didnt say on the tank what they were but i knew i had seen them here before. I asked the two girls that were there and neither of them new what they were. I have just...
  23. M

    Big beginners problems

    one more thing did you raise the temperature??? when treating 'white spot' you should always raise the temp up a couple of degrees. 'white spot' cannot live in the warmer water.
  24. M

    Gourami fry???

    what else do you have in the tank?? i doubt it could be a gourami fry. they are extremely tiny when they are born.
  25. M

    this person knows five suckers when they see them

    to true :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
  26. M

    this person knows five suckers when they see them

    its a bad picture of the betta, but lik everyone said you can get him a lot cheaper else where. and he'll probley go into a vase in someones lounge room anyways :( poor little guy
  27. M

    Whitespot, dead clown loach & 2 dying

    what size is the tank??
  28. M

    My poor little girl has velvet

    thanks guys!! keeps your fingers crossed for me
  29. M

    Crowntail Mustard Gas Spawn

    congrats!! i hope the rest goes well for you!! :D
  30. M

    My poor little girl has velvet

    I noticed on my way to work this morning that one of my females has velvet. all i could do this morning was put some salt in the water cause i had to get to work. what can i do when i get home to help her?? i really dont want to loose my little girl! :-(
  31. M

    AAAaaahh Velvet!!

    one of my female betta has velvet!! what is the best way to treat this?? I dont want to loose her :-( i noticed this morning on my way to work, so i put some salt in the water, but i had to leave to get to work. what should i get to to treat this??? Please help her!!
  32. M

    Betta lies on bottom

    he might be resting because he's tired out from swimming to the top of the tank to breath. it would be hard work with such a big tail holding him down thats a big tank for a betta.
  33. M


    sorry about your fish chook. :byebye: is his g/f doing alright now??
  34. M

    Check out our new arrivals!!!!!

    wow they are very nice plecs you got there. great markings :D
  35. M

    Future Pair

    :o is all i can say
  36. M

    Mission Impossible - UPDATED PICS!!

    looking very good. what are you going to keep in there?
  37. M

    cc's very own betta fry!

    wow you look like you have your hands full :D very cute bettas cc im sure they are going to get nicer as they get bigger
  38. M

    RIP Beam

    so sorry about Beam sorrell im sure he had a great life with you! :byebye: