My poor little girl has velvet


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
I noticed on my way to work this morning that one of my females has velvet.

all i could do this morning was put some salt in the water cause i had to get to work.

what can i do when i get home to help her??

i really dont want to loose my little girl! :-(
Go to a pet store and get meds. They should be there. Not sure what, exactly, but I believe medicines containing copper do the trick...
Try getting "The Manual of Fish Health" if you consistently have disease problems. I'm reading the velvet section to give you better info...

Velvet or white spot remedy. Can be treated in that tank unless it is a very bad case.Raise tank temp to 30-32C or 86-90F. (That might be a bit high. If not too severe, go to about 85) This will make them let go of the fish and will let the meds kill them.
I use Coppersafe, and have had good results combating velvet with it.
Velvet is a very easy to cure disease and you shouldn't lose your fish. Put salt and Aquarisol in it's water, change the water daily and it will clear up. I've also read that velvet needs light to survive, so if you restrict much light from getting in the tank, that might help speed up the recovery. Also the temp raise as someone mentioned is a good idea. I just had a tank go through velvet that had about 25 juvinile fish in it and they all survived with this treatment and are completely over it.

shrks1fan said:
Velvet is a very easy to cure disease and you shouldn't lose your fish. Put salt and Aquarisol in it's water, change the water daily and it will clear up. I've also read that velvet needs light to survive, so if you restrict much light from getting in the tank, that might help speed up the recovery. Also the temp raise as someone mentioned is a good idea. I just had a tank go through velvet that had about 25 juvinile fish in it and they all survived with this treatment and are completely over it.

She said it all.

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