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    would this be possible in my tank?

    Agreed and a lot of fish shops will sell jumbo silver dollars as the standard silver dollars too, they will grow pretty big. Your tiger bars will stop you getting anything with fins tho mate, ive got 1 left (had 8 now they have all been eaten by larger fish) and he even nips at my stingrays.
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    are reef tanks more rewarding than fowlr

    Bigger the better with Marines as already said above, the bigger your tank the easier it is too look after, ive had my salt water tank 18 months, feeding takes about 5 mins everyday, and water changes are every 6 weeks which is a lot less effort than my freshwater tanks :D (i use a big skimmer...
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    White spot and water changes

    My tank is due a water change but ive just noticed all my fish have whitespot do i go ahead with it or not? My LFS ordered me in a fish, it had white spot when it turned up to the shop so he kept it for me till it had passed, its been home less than a week and the tank has white spot now :( is...
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    Looking for small catfish

    Hi, Im after filling my uber tank with a few more smaller catfish, currently have some larger fish in there so when i say small i mean 4-6 inches, i was thinking of a Cuckoo catfish or two, does anyone have any experience of keeping them? or any suggestions of interesting looking fish.
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    Clown Synodontis

    Ill take some pictures soon, (probably weds) and post them up ASAP guys. BTW on the synodontis he has a white mark from where he had whitespot, will that disappear or is it a scar? he had whitespot about 3 weeks ago in his quarentine tank at the LFS.
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    Cure for algea?

    I dont check for phosphates anyone recomend a good test kit for it? Everything else is ok, PH is 6.6 though it could be a little higher, could this be adding to it?? After reading your replies i think it could be a mixture of overfeeding and having the lights on for 18 hours a day, its T5...
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    Clown Synodontis

    Its 650 Gallons, but it isnt at my home its at my business premises.
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    Cure for algea?

    The glass on my tank is getting full of algea quicker than usual, other than another Pleco and more frequqnt water changes, is there anything i can do to slow it down or even stop it?
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    Clown Synodontis

    Thanks for the FOTM :D here's another picture, this time of one of my stingrays, he's called Master Chief and here you can see him sat under the sand keeping and eye on things :) BTW i need a name for the Clown Synodontis if anyone has any?
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    tank size

    I keep freshwater stingrays, i dont know who told you they are easy to keep is a bit bonkers mate. ive had no end of trouble with them (but i spose thats the appeal in keeping them) The Often refuse food for no apparent reason, water quality can be spot on, they are not getting bullied as far...
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    What fish would you keep?

    Some very nice choices, im very suprised at the Discus though, they have never appealed to me and i dont find them very attractive :(
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    Clown Synodontis

    Synodontis Decorus, i dont think ill be getting anymore mate, but ive got space for a few big fish so fish of a similar size i will be getting :D Sorry about the big size :( im glad people like him :D
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    What fish would you keep?

    lol i didnt explain myself i dont think, i meant any fish your not in a position to keep at the moment, it could be puffers because they will eat your current stock or anything, size doesnt come into it.
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    What fish would you keep?

    What fish would you keep if you could give it the care and attention it needed (large enough tank/food/etc) and if money was no problem either? for me it would be 2 Redtail Catfish, id have a huge tank and keep them with adult Arowana's and other largish fish from the amazon. the redtail is a...
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    Clown Synodontis

    The latest fish to be added to my Aquarium, what do you think? at the moment he's around 10" and i dont expect him to grow anymore.
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    Shark catfish pictures?

    Thanks, im not sure which of the two you mean mate, but its the one from Columbia my LFS has for sale. he told me as they get older they need more and more salt, so i had a read up on them but my books dont have any pictures of them. not sure if ill go for one TBH, prolly not after a good read...
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    Tiger barb fish with faded stripes

    I wouldnt worry too much mate, new fish are prone to strange habbits and that includes losing colour when they are in new tanks, especially when the water isnt up to standard. as speck asked bofore whats the ph/amonia/nitrite like in the water? has the tank been cycled? and whats the 12 grains...
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    Hows my equipment for the new setup?

    You cant really do marines on the cheap mate, your skimmer sounds ok though, if it 'should' do for 250l tanks then it will be ok ona 100l tank, if its for fish only then your lighting may be ok for fish that tend to swim at the top of the tank, but id upgrade to T5 just to be safe, if your going...
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    Shark catfish pictures?

    Hi mate, thanks for that, i understand this already mate. i currently have a 300l FW and a 800l SW tank at home, plus a huge 650gallon FW at my business premises so i have the space and room to be able to cater for its special needs.
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    Shark catfish pictures?

    Does anyone have any or know of any good quality shark catfish pictures? im thinking off adding one to my tank but havent found any good pictures.
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    malasian blue lobsters

    As others have said, they're not too good in a community tank i had one after a LFS told me it would be ok, he ate all my plants and bothered most of my fish he had to go back. They grow quite large too and turn from blue to grey and when older/larger they look very ugly.
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    RO water in a freshwater tank?

    Its probably best i leave it if its gets complicated, after a marine water change im left with quite a bit of RO water that gets wasted :(
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    RO water in a freshwater tank?

    I use RO water in my marine tank, but wondered if there any benefits of using it to do my water changes on my freshwater tank? i know tap water is ok. but if candles are ok why invent the lightbulb!!
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    irridesent sharks lovers

    Keith from the tropical centre is well known amongst the fish community for being full of BS mate, he will tell you anything to take your money, his tropical fish arent too good quality either, but his home made tanks are excellent value for money and his marines are always healthy, but id never...
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    irridesent sharks lovers

    That picture is the Pangasius Pangasius (Pangasius is latin for no teeth IIRC), known in fish shops as the Pangasius Catfish, he will grow quite large but not as large as the porroon, i have two of them and love them :D where did you get him from? I used to buy fish from all over Manchester but...
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    irridesent sharks lovers

    That mate is a Porroon Shark catfish, he will grow a lot bigger than a foot mate :D im only down the road in Ashton under lyne, if you want to come to my gaff to see a big one then your more than welcome mate. in the wild they grow to 4-5 feet, with perfect conditions and what not, some have...
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    irridesent sharks lovers

    What species are those mate? it looks like something from the Pangasiug family.
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    Looking for a puffer

    Ive got two tinfoil barbs at home :) i have them in my 300l tank and like you say they they never stop :D will look into the other fish mate, thanks for all your help.
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    Looking for a puffer

    The snakefish is actually a reedfish or ropefish depending on what name you use, its only small and doesnt grow to large, the tank is a display tank in a resteraunt and at the moment, looks silly with 2 very small fish and a few large ones, so we want to even it out about, having read up on the...
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    Looking for a puffer

    The tank is around 650 gallons, (not in my home) i understand im currently at its stocking limit for the fish i have, but what do you think about adding one to a tank of this size? my fish dealer thinks a couple of tiger oscars will look just as good, but im worried they are too agressive.
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    Looking for a puffer

    Does anyone know what puffer is going to go well in my community tank? my local fish shop told me a buna/abnu/abu or something along those lines would go in my tank ok. i looked in the sticky at the top but didnt see it listed so i assume ive got it totally wrong lol. i know puffers dont usually...
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    my fish are too big!!!

    There are company's who can ship fish mate, there rates are pretty reasonable too, but thinking about it i can prolly buy those fish locally cheaper. but if you get really desperate for a home, then id help you out mate, let me know how you get on.
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    my fish are too big!!!

    What would shipping a fish involve? whats the cost like? i could be interested if i knew more about the process mate.
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    my fish are too big!!!

    Shame your in Kent mate, i would of had them off your hands :( the Loot has a pets section.
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    my fish are too big!!!

    You could try the free ads paper mate, or try on here to give them away, is a bigger tank not an option?
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    large fish

    I could be interested in all 3 mate, do you have more details/and pics. how far from manchester are you?
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    Freshwater inverts

    Hi guys, today i purchased a lovely little blue lobster, he's full of personality and interacts with my rope fish very well, they take it in turns in chasing each other, we had him around 12 hours and he's settled in fine :D id thorughly recomend one in a community tank.
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    Community Puffers

    Interesting question mate, im very interested in its answer because i searhed all my LFS and found nothing.
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    Freshwater inverts

    I have a few vairities of gourami mainly kissing and 3 spot as well as tiger barbs mate. and 2 silver dollars, but if need be ill set up a new invert only tank if there was something of great interest to be had.
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    Freshwater inverts

    Has anyone got any ideas as to what fresh water inverts i can keep in my 125 gallon tank? i was thinking either a blue lobster but my LFS says there out of season and it could be another 8-10 months before he can get hold of them, he does have some red crabs in which look kinda nice. is there...