Tiger barb fish with faded stripes


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2004
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I just got 2 tiger barbs and have been doing some research and realize that I need 6. But I dont have a big aquarium and it would just be too crowded. I think its a 1 gallon hexan crap aquarium and i wanted something that was hardy since the tank seems to get very warm and be right on the limit of 27-28 degrees and sometimes reaches about 30 which really isnt that great but nothing I can do about it. The water is about a month old with phospate control and about 12 grains of aquarium salt put in.

Also i have 2 apple snails.

Anyways I think I have a male and a female barb since the smaller seems to be very agressive towards the other one that is a bit bigger. Also the smaller one appears to slightly have a red snout. So im guessing it is a male after my research.

Anyways it is very aggressive.

Anyways my issue is that I have been trying to find info about if the female tiger barb is suppose to have faded stripes. I know sometimes that means there sick but they seem to darken a bit but then the other fish chases around and they fade again.

Is this suppose to happen when there spawning since in my research it is said that over agreesiveness could be mateing.

Anyways just wondering if they are naturally suppose to be dull or maybe I have a sick fish.


here is some pictures.





Anyways one is faded and one isnt.
How long have they been in the tank? Sometimes my tigers colour fades when I put them in a different tank.

Sounds like you have checked your ammonia, nitrite, etc. So I'd give the dull barb sometime and see. Also if you feed them some frozen or live foods their colour comes out as well. I suppose there is also that flake food for colour enhancement.

Otherwise both my male and female barbs all have roughly the same contrast in colouring. I've sure someone else here will have some more suggestions. :)

Nice pics though. :cool:
Well just got them yesterday so could be stress due to new home.

They made it through the night so will see how things go.
I wouldnt worry too much mate, new fish are prone to strange habbits and that includes losing colour when they are in new tanks, especially when the water isnt up to standard. as speck asked bofore whats the ph/amonia/nitrite like in the water? has the tank been cycled? and whats the 12 grains of salt for? this all could mean poor water which could be causing it, if thats all your having in there for the time being the water should cycle ok with them in anyway, they are quite hardy fish.

but they're fin nippers so you cant have no fancy betta's now ;)
Well this is the salt and other stuff I used to prep the water. I mixed a full tank of that and then I took half out so the salt level should be lower. I was told the salt is like a natural medication and keeps the fish healthy for fresh water. That was for when i had the beta type fish. Still not sure but he was removed to go into a non aired bowl and still need toget him something better then a mixing bowl hehehe. Poor fish. Anyways i was also told tiger barb dont like the salt as much so I removed half the tank of water and used some cycled water from the fish store to top it off. So the water should be good. we tested it and seems to be ok. I am going to take some more in later and test it and probably get 2 more bags full of like 6 month old cycled water. Then I will swap it out.

Anyways here is the pic of the stuff Iam using thus far for my water treatment.


I am pretty much new to this and since it is only a mmm lets say 1 gallon i think.

Looks like this.


Anyways it has a undergravel filet system where it flows and stuff.

I have been reading about the gravel and stuff and bacteria and i cleaned it so I will probably have to rebuild it. Just read that yesterday and didnt realize that cleaning would effect that so that might be an issue.

Also the gravel seems to wear down. No idea if that is a concernb or not or if ii shoud get a different gravel or something. Maybe I cleaned it to much.

Here is what it looks like.


The snails seem fine as usual. Sometimes I think I will jsut do these apple snails and try and get the different variations hahaha.

Anyways some pics of my apple snails.




Man these things grow. Lol

Anyways Ill get that other info later since its sunday and they dont open to 11 or so.

A undergravel filet system.

Hmmm wonder what I was thinking about when I wrote that. Hahaah poor fish.

Meant undergravel filter system.

Well the colour seems to be coming back.

Hopefully it stays this way.

I have been trying to get some better pictures of closeups of the fish.

this is the one that i think is a female. It is more rounder and is the one that keeps fading and the other one is always chasing this one. Could be because it isnt up to full health. mean ol bugger hahah

anyways i think this is the female.


And i think this is the male. It is narrower and more colourful.


The female if that is what iit is seems to be getting some colour back.

I am assuming though off the info i have read that one is female and one is female.

Hi there.........
Just to be clear did u say that u have a 1 gallon tank??
I know that a 1 gallon tank is not suitable for Tiger Barbs...especially a Hex tank..Tigers need lots of swiming space and need to be in a group of 6...Now i had 2 at 1 point and 1 just picked on the other and made it miserable..Ive added 5 more and there great...no agression ...just schoolin tigers...The faded stripes could be from stress/water conditions..Tiger Barbs are very sensitive to Nitrite levels..Get a water test kit and find out...
Hope i helped

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