Although I have seen posts about various species of puffers working well in a community setting, most are only short term. Puffers are a long lived species that have a tendency to get grumpier as they age. There is a chance of getting a mellow sociable puffer no matter what species you look at, just as there is the chance that the puffer you pick out will be a psycho killer that will not tolerate any other fish in it's tank....as well as every temperment in between.
If you are tempted to try a puffer in a community setting your best bet would be
Colomesus asellus - South American puffer (Amazonian puffer) , they are generally the mildest tempered puffer, but even with the S/A's there is no guarentee.
I presently keep 3 S/A's in with 8 Dwarf puffers with no signs of friction between the 2, but I also keep guppies in the same tank and I don't think there is 1 without some fin damage (even though the guppies have learned to avoid the puffers).
carppy...you list a "Red-eye" puffer in your signature, what species is it? (there are about 4 types sometimes called red-eye) If it is
Tetraodon lorteti keep an eye on it, I have read that they can turn nasty without much warning, you just start finding dead fish in the morning. Love to see some pics