What fish would you keep?

I would love a tank of clowns, that would be cool. But when I eventually get my own place I'd love to give marines a go. But a nice, big community tank would be ace, but I just don't have the space at the moment :( One day, one day. :nod:

thecichlidaddict said:
Esox lucius

(AKA Northern Pike)
you will have to watch your fingers(maybe even your whole hand) when you feed those guys. :lol: But i have to agree they would be wonderful fish to watch in their natural environment.
a school of about 12-20 bala sharks.
15 clown loaches.
100 cardinal tetras'
20 gouramis.
29 lemon tetras
few others I'm sure as well
Some very nice choices, im very suprised at the Discus though, they have never appealed to me and i dont find them very attractive :(

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