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  1. D

    Hair Algae Problems!

    Hello I have got a rekord 70 tank, with mollys, various tetras, dwarf plec, clown loach. I have recently found I have quite of bit of hair algae growing on my stones and plants, I dont really want to use anti-algae chemicals as it might harm my fish. So I was wondering if there is any fish that...
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    How Do I Know?

    How about this its the same fish as above. Also theres a white thing sort off beside its mouth if you can see it could you at all tell me what it is??
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    How Do I Know?

    Thanks for the pic Is this one pregnant
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    Which Are They?

    I was looking at tiger barbs how do u tell what sex??
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    Which Are They?

    How do i tell what sex the barbs are?? any help please...
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    Are They Alright?

    My tank is a 96l. Wouldnt the female bettas keep there distance?? Thanks for the help...
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    Are They Alright?

    I have a 96l tank and some barbs and phantoms and a rtbs in it. I was just wondering whether a female betta would go alright with them. My PH is around 7.2. Thanx for your help.
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    How Do I Know?

    my fish and tanks are fine!!!
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    How Do I Know?

    Hello!! I was just wondering how do i know whether a black molly is pregnant?? They seem to be quite fat!! Any help...
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    Final Stages Of Fishless Cycle, Need Help On Fish Stock

    Do u mean what fish to start of on? If so i would suggest Black phantom tetras are quite good starter and also black widow tetras. Hope that helps!
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    Male Or Female?

    i know im going to take them back to the shop when they get to big
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    Carbon Filters

    Thanks for yours and every ones advice, I will take out carbon and try another bio section
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    Carbon Filters

    I've got a rekord 96 tank, which has a carbon filter in it. I've been told that its best not to have it in by the local fish shop. Has any one got any opinions on this??
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    My 96l Tank

    hope these are better
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    Male Or Female?

    Thanx for the advise
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    My 96l Tank

    Sorry bad picture
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    Looking For A Semi Agressive Middle Swiming Fish

    hi yeh angels would be good but can be aggressive when older Have you thought about anything like sharks, i have 2 red-tailed black sharks in a 96l semi-aggressive tank and there fine. Good luck
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    New Tank Stocking Ideas

    hi if i were you let it do a fishless cycle fish before adding any fish. That choice of fish sounds good as well. Enjoy M8
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    Would A Siamese Fighter Fish Be Ok In This Setup

    Hi Like everyone else said they like to be on there own and they might fight with fish that lookthe same like guppies and also ive heard there not to strong swimmers in a strong current.
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    What Fish To Put?

    Hi intsikto In my new tank ive found out that black phantom tetras are quite hardy fish they can withstand high PH in your tanks or another fish is black widows aswell there good as well.
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    Hiding Barbs

    Thanx for the advise
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    Male Or Female?

    oh rite ok theres one of ma sharks in ma avater
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    Male Or Female?

    they both have white tips on there dorsal fins
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    Hiding Barbs

    i have red-tailed black sharks but i got them after i got them they were hiding as soon as i got them
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    Hiding Barbs

    I would like to know are Tiger barbs knocternal at all as they seem to only come at when its dark?? :crazy:
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    Tger Barbs And Red Tail Sharks

    i used to have 5 barbs now down to three and i have two red-tailed sharks in a 96 litre tank there great :lol:
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    Male Or Female?

    I at the moment have Two fairley young Red-tailed black sharks and i want to know if there male or female, how do i tell the difference??
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    Please Send Me Pictures Of You Fish And Aquariums

    My rekord 96 after 3 weeks with a few penguin fish and barbs (soz if u cant see em) http://S4021298 http://S4021297 A rekord 70 http://S4021289 back 2 rekord 96 http://S4021289 http://S4021289 http://S4021289 http://S4021284
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    Tiger Barbs Are Weird Lil Buggers

    I got tiger barbs a few days ago but they seem to be hiding i hope they com out
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    culd i still get a beta at a l8er date wen the molys and platys have settled down? or wuld it kill them?
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    can i put mollys and platys with other fish like angel fish, siamese fighter, tetras, cory