Final Stages Of Fishless Cycle, Need Help On Fish Stock


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom

I have posted a thread [post="1627046"]here[/post] and was wondering if anyone could help out by giving me some pointers in the right direction in what kind of fish to look out for. The more I read through my books the more confused I get :hyper: :crazy:

I have posted a thread [post="1627046"]here[/post] and was wondering if anyone could help out by giving me some pointers in the right direction in what kind of fish to look out for. The more I read through my books the more confused I get :hyper: :crazy:

Do u mean what fish to start of on?

If so i would suggest Black phantom tetras are quite good starter and also black widow tetras.

Hope that helps!
I don't know if you have had fish in the past? But if you are new, the best fish to start with are livebearers ie. Guppies, Mollies, and Platy's. IN addition to those relatively cheap and small fish, there are also tetras, cory's, chinese algae eaters, and gouramis that are all good for starters.
i started with 6 neon tetras, 2 albino corrys, 2 bala sharks and 3 male guppies. i now have a 125 gallon with more fish in them. and a few spieces tanks.
Here is the layout I want:
  • 4 Spiketail Paradise Fish
  • 4 Banded Gurami
  • 5-8 Black/White Skirt Tetras
  • 2 Amino Shrimp (both male hopefully)
  • 1 Pitbull Pleco IDA-25
All are friendly I hope. It's a good layout, and I planned it for a 30 gallon tank, with plants and hiding places for the fish.

Feel free to use it :).

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