Male Or Female?


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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I at the moment have Two fairley young Red-tailed black sharks and i want to know if there male or female, how do i tell the difference??
The females get a slightly deeper body, males are more stream lined.

Their is an idea the white tip on the dorsal fin is a sign of a male i think, but as far as i know it's just part of the colouration.
thats what i mean but a lot of people belive it's a way to sex them....
check the anal fin!
if it's got a black out line then its male. if the fin is completely red, it's female.

oh no, thats rainbow sharks.

try checking the ventral fin. apparently its more rounder when the shark is female.
i dont know about sexing them but i'd be more worried about them clown loaches of yours 2 in a 70 litre thats way to small as they can grow to 14inches and your tanks about 28inches that dont give em mutch room specialy when the rtbs carves out a teratory :good:
i dont know about sexing them but i'd be more worried about them clown loaches of yours 2 in a 70 litre thats way to small as they can grow to 14inches and your tanks about 28inches that dont give em mutch room specialy when the rtbs carves out a teratory :good:

i know im going to take them back to the shop when they get to big

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