Please Send Me Pictures Of You Fish And Aquariums

Here's some pics of my 55 in the wall.




If someone is thinking of ever doing this take the time to make sure you want to go through all the effort. I love my tank but this thing was alot of work.
jimbooo, i think the fish at the bottom in picture number four is beautiful, what kind is that? the smaller thin/long one.

It looks like a mature/fully grown Flying Fox to me.

My new tank after 2 days.


After 2 months


After 3 months


After 3 1/2 months


Now 4 months later, NOW


Sorry for the bad quality they were took off my phone :/
so sorry for the delay i have been loging on via my pda over the weekend and could not see the pictures i was posting. now i am back to work i can see them.

yes you are correct thats a 3 yr old flying fox. still eats algae and terrorises the tank. to be honest he/she doesn't directly bother other fish just zooms about constantly barging others out of the way. nice caracter and is always out in the open.

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