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  1. R

    Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter

    Cheers guys, he looks to be settling in with the harlequins ( or should I refer to them as rasboras??) and the albino cories and I thought he was struggling with the current a touch so I slowed the flow abit but I'm worried will it affect thetank cleaning the water much? Also my temp seems to...
  2. R

    New Tank Advice

    Where abouts in N.I. are you mate?
  3. R

    Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter

    Oh well I just learnt a hard lesson , I rang the shop and asked was the pink one still there and he was gone and they only have blue in ATM, apparently they have only ever had 2 pink ones since the shop opened, oh well you snooze you lose I rang another shop and was able to get a red one...
  4. R

    Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter

    cheers for the great replies.
  5. R

    Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter

    excellant... now here's someother random questions. i've read they'll eat flake and frozen blood worm which is fine as thats what the harlequins and corys are getting (flake 5 times a week and worm 1 day, the other day they go hungry) but other things they'll eat are Insects Plant leaves...
  6. R

    Tetratek Air Pump Aps400

    i have this pump but it's serious overkill for my 60l tank so am considering selling it for a smaller more suitable pump or whatever you have.also there is an led spinning light sorta thing which is going with it. if youre interested give me your email and i'll forward pictures of it and all...
  7. R

    Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter

    last week i picked up some more harlequins for my tank and while i was waiting to get served i got looking at the siamese fighters in the tanks around me,some red some blue but they had a pink one in and it's taken my fancy in a big way but i don't want to get it if it's going to cause trouble...
  8. R

    Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter

    last week i picked up some more harlequins for my tank and while i was waiting to get served i got looking at the siamese fighters in the tanks around me,some red some blue but they had a pink one in and it's taken my fancy in a big way but i don't want to get it if it's going to cause trouble...
  9. R

    How To Wash Sand....

    But the tap water won't effect the tank
  10. R

    How To Wash Sand....

    Cheers for the informative replies I'll sit out tonight and get it washed and swap it for the gravel at the weekend
  11. R

    How To Wash Sand....

  12. R

    How To Wash Sand....

    Ok so I've been reading more and more about sand so decided to get some from tesco and use it with my existing gravel but how do I wash the sand? I was going to cut the top of the bag off and fill it with tap water but can I introduce this into my tank like this or should I wash it in tank water?
  13. R

    Not Sure I Can Have These

    I saw a tank full of black mollies in a shop a few weeks ago and thought I'd like them for my tank but the more I read up on them the less it looks like I can have them. I ve read they aren't good for community tanks, which I'm hoping to make mine into, they grow up to be pretty big, which my...
  14. R

    Need Help Buying A Gravel Cleaner

    Well I'm using about a metre of hose to do a water change so if I can find a way to make one half of the hose rigid enough to hold and disrupt the gravel maybe that'll work, yeah?
  15. R

    Possibly Buying Lfs Display Tanks.

    If you've a spare 3ft tank or fish going cheap from the lfs closer give me a shout, I'm just starting out so a bigger tank sitting waiting for me and some fish for my 60l tank would be spot on
  16. R

    Need Help Buying A Gravel Cleaner

    Ok guys I need a gravel cleaner. I've seen a few in shops but don't understand how they work so don't know which is best. What do you guys use?
  17. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    Yep agreed so I changed the water, once my wee fella goes to bed I'll test the water again.
  18. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    It's only a 60l tank, I'll get sucking on a bit of garden hose then....
  19. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    Cheers for the advice, most of the posts I read have the owners doing 50% water changes so I'll do that tonight and retest tomorrow, I only ask as I don't want to freak out and think worst case senario at the first sight of something looking just a little odd.
  20. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    Don't know the Ph as I haven't got that kit yet and the tank has been on the go for a week, found the forum after I'd set up everything, you live and learn don't you!!
  21. R


    Haven't ran it in the water yet but I have had it running, what do you need to know?
  22. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    It's showing a trace as well, but maybe not as much? Am I just being over cautious?
  23. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    Just going to do that now fella thanks
  24. R

    Just Did My First Api Ammonia Test

    Ok so my wife picked up my kit today from the shop and I get in from work go do a test, results show I've .25ppm in my sample. I know ammonia is meant to be an nil so what's my best course of action now, I was going to do a 15% water change on Sunday/Monday but should I do it now or will that...
  25. R


    Just happens that I have a tetratec 400 and I'll not be using it....
  26. R

    Advice On Air Pump Please

    Cheers bignose, I'll see about passing this on then, Cheers Rhory
  27. R

    Advice On Air Pump Please

    Sorry tizer I didnt mean to be rude. We my mate left off the pump he said it was good to oxigenate the way as it help do something, I'll be honest , I didn't listen to the why's! I'll see about selling it then. Cheers again for the help
  28. R

    Advice On Air Pump Please

    Fantastic reply which will really help me with my problem.
  29. R

    Finally, The Shop Was Open.

    Being from Belfast myself I'm glad to hear of some positive experiences in fish shops, ever tried exotic aquatics of the castlereagh road on Belfast?
  30. R


    so could i put shrimp in my tank then ? i've a 60l with 6 harlequiins,hopefully moving on to 10 and some dwarf/pygmy cories ? do they need any specail requirements like a cooler tank ( mines at 26* )
  31. R

    Best Cory Catfish

    dwarf/pygmy cories are what it's going to be then but any thoughts on how many ? 4 be plenty ?
  32. R

    Advice On Air Pump Please

    a mate of mine called down the other night to help me with my tank set up and with him he brought a spare air pump, Tetratec APS400 rated for tanks of 250l- 600l, the other thing is my tanks only a 60l !! i guess it's be overkill to pump in my tank but is there no way i can use this ? he said...
  33. R

    Harlequins Just Home

    My tank is a hagan Marina 60l with a Marina s15 slimline filter And at the minute my only tennents are 6 harlequins but I'm looking to get 6 more once my tank is a little more established Cheers for the advice and fast replies
  34. R

    Best Cory Catfish

    Hey guys I need help trying to find a suitable catfish, bottom dweller for my 60l tank which has harlequins in it at the minute, I'm just worried once everyone starts growing that the tank doesn't limit them
  35. R

    Harlequins Just Home

    Are they ( I take it you've more than one) in a 60l tank ?
  36. R

    Harlequins Just Home

    they move very fast and don't stop long enough to get a clear photo but leave it with me and i'll do anything to get a good photo. ive only a 60l tank so what i was thinking was adding another 6 ( making 12 altogether), but i don't want to over crowd them .thoughts ? also i want to get get...
  37. R

    Harlequins Just Home

    cheers guys, i've the light on and am enjoying away, wish my wife would enjoy them as much ..... cheers for the help guys
  38. R

    Harlequins Just Home

    just got my first batch of 6 harlequins home this afternoon, lowered them into the tank in the fish shop bag around 5.30 and spent the next 55 mins putting a cup of water in in 5 min intervals ,so about now ,2 hours later they look happy swimming around the 60l tank, but i have a few...
  39. R

    Filter Media Donation? Belfast Area

    thursday would be great thanks, what hospital are you at and i'll try and get over to you,i live over beside forestside.
  40. R

    Good Morning....

    Cheers for the warm welcomes, I went to my local shop today to buy a test kit and got completely confused by ph, kh, testing this that and the otherite... Anybody have a good post about understanding test kits and what's best to use ?