Good Morning....


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Hey guys

I'm new to the forum ( surprise surprise) and thought I'd introduce myself before I wonder around your forum and start asking some obvious questions.

I'm new to keeping fish but I'm keen to learn and have an understanding I'm not going to crack it overnight. So to get things going I bought a kit from a local pet place , it's a Marina style 60, came with pump, light etc so I hope it's the basics to get me going. I've had it filled since Thursday night ( two nights ago) and I've got some water treatment in it to clear the tap water and a friend of mine gave me 5-6 litres of his tank water to help establish my tank.

I have a rew questions bet I'll try and find the right sections to post them in to keep on the right side of the mods.

So let the games Begin, have I wasted my monies on my basic kit, do I know what I'm lettingyself in for. And just how rewarding is it going to be in a few months when I can sit back with my son to watch my wee babies swimming about happily in the tank?
Hey guys

I'm new to the forum ( surprise surprise) and thought I'd introduce myself before I wonder around your forum and start asking some obvious questions.

I'm new to keeping fish but I'm keen to learn and have an understanding I'm not going to crack it overnight. So to get things going I bought a kit from a local pet place , it's a Marina style 60, came with pump, light etc so I hope it's the basics to get me going. I've had it filled since Thursday night ( two nights ago) and I've got some water treatment in it to clear the tap water and a friend of mine gave me 5-6 litres of his tank water to help establish my tank.

I have a rew questions bet I'll try and find the right sections to post them in to keep on the right side of the mods.

So let the games Begin, have I wasted my monies on my basic kit, do I know what I'm lettingyself in for. And just how rewarding is it going to be in a few months when I can sit back with my son to watch my wee babies swimming about happily in the tank?

Welcome, i can see blissfull times ahead for you! :hyper:
Welcome to the forum Royster I hope you enjoy.

If your in the mood for learning then this forums Resource centre has a wealth of knowledge you can find it in the main forum list or there is a link at the bottom of this message, remember if something does not make sense then just ask there are plenty of people ready to help :good:

I recommend you read about the Nitrogen cycle plus fishless and Fish in cycling.

The water your friend has given you has next to no useful bacteria in it but if he was kind enough to give you a bit of his filter media then that would help your tank no end this will make more sense when you read about the nitrogen cycle but if your not sure just ask and I or we will clarify more.

Regards onebto
Thanks buddy, now I've found a forum there'll be many a later night sat infront of the lap top reading about people past experiences and planning what I should be doing next.

Knowledge is the key.

Thanks rhory
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Good to see you are doing some research first :good:

Thanks Keith

I was down at a nearby shop today asking questions about what fish will be good to start off with, what they are going to good in a tank with and just general tank keeping questions
Hey mate,

Welcome to the forums, As said above its great too see you doing research first before delving into this amazing world, I like may before didnt do this and trusted my LFS and have learnt the hard way to listen to people who actually know.

Look forward to seeing your name around. :good:
Cheers for the warm welcomes, I went to my local shop today to buy a test kit and got completely confused by ph, kh, testing this that and the otherite...

Anybody have a good post about understanding test kits and what's best to use ?
Well, as the nitrogen cycle goes; ammonia > nitrite > nitrate you need tests for those three; they're the most important.

Knowing pH is useful but not essential and you probably don't really need one for GH or KH; knowing whether your water is hard or soft is usually enough, unless you want to get into breeding or keeping more delicate or wild caught fish.

Any of the liquid/tablet tests that come with a test tube are fine; they're not anything like laboratory accuracte, but they're good enough for our purposes. Just avoid the paper dip strip types; most peple don't trust them at all!
Hi there :)

As far as looking for answers goes, you've come to the right place! As onebto said, be a good plan to do some reading in the resource centre as this has a lot of "FAQs" etc. ;)

I think nearly everyone on here has had similar experiences of starting out following pet shop instructions and it not going too well to plan as they give you bum advice sometimes, and then came on here and been like "Wowww. Ok. Lots of reading to be done" :p At least you came here when you're just starting so you can satisfy your every question along the way :)

All the best, and welcome to the forum,

Hello to the forum and I wish you a happy time we want to take advantage of your posts

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