Thinking Of Getting A Siamese Fighter


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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last week i picked up some more harlequins for my tank and while i was waiting to get served i got looking at the siamese fighters in the tanks around me,some red some blue but they had a pink one in and it's taken my fancy in a big way but i don't want to get it if it's going to cause trouble in my tank.

so far in my 60l tank i have ;

12 harlequins
4 albino corys ( i want to bring these up to 6 maybe 8)

but because i only have 60ls to play with im worried i'll have trouble with over crowding or the SF will start nipping at the harlequins , so am i worrying over nothing ?
Should be fine. Usually, Harlequins arer great with Bettas :good:

now here's someother random questions. i've read they'll eat flake and frozen blood worm which is fine as thats what the harlequins and corys are getting (flake 5 times a week and worm 1 day, the other day they go hungry) but other things they'll eat are

Plant leaves

where the hell do i get flies,insects and what veg and fruit can i put in?

and i have plastic plants in at the minute so will thay do any harm ?
I just feed mine tropical flake and betta pellets. Betta is the more known name now for a fighter. You can also buy great white worm cultures cheap as chips on ebay. You grow your own constant supply of wroms.

I take it it's a male one. Just make sure there is nothing sharp he can catch and tear his fins on that's all. Plus they like a slower current so you may have to adjust your filter. I had to for mine. You will see them swimming hard against the current if it's too fast.
Oh well I just learnt a hard lesson , I rang the shop and asked was the pink one still there and he was gone and they only have blue in ATM, apparently they have only ever had 2 pink ones since the shop opened, oh well you snooze you lose

I rang another shop and was able to get a red one instead, still he looks well in the tank.

So here starts my love affair
Bettas are great! I've had mine in the community tank for about 4 years. He is my 'grumpy old man' he occasionally will chase the others, loves his plastic planted corner, and eats what everyone else eats. Flakes 6 days a week and then on water changing day he gets frozen bloodworms or brine. Oh yea, I did have to adjust the filter - way to hard for him to get any food with a current. Slow showboat swimmer, that follows me around the room like a puppy, I love him
Mine won't touch flake food, I think it depends on what the breeder fed them when they were young. However, he goes crazy for bloodworms. Good luck with your new friend!
Cheers guys, he looks to be settling in with the harlequins ( or should I refer to them as rasboras??) and the albino cories and I thought he was struggling with the current a touch so I slowed the flow abit but I'm worried will it affect thetank cleaning the water much?

Also my temp seems to to moving from 24 to 26 where as it was a solid 26 before, should I try and get it to level out at 26 again or should I stop moving things for a day or two ?
I'm not sure about the temp drop, but I think 24 might be even better, the Betta should not mind and I know the Corys won't. The lower your temp the less toxic your ammonia traces are if you get a small trace here and there. Good luck!

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