Best Cory Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Hey guys
I need help trying to find a suitable catfish, bottom dweller for my 60l tank which has harlequins in it at the minute, I'm just worried once everyone starts growing that the tank doesn't limit them
Hey guys
I need help trying to find a suitable catfish, bottom dweller for my 60l tank which has harlequins in it at the minute, I'm just worried once everyone starts growing that the tank doesn't limit them
ooh i love corys! hmm..... try the pandas. they are CUTE
dwarf/pygmy cories are what it's going to be then but any thoughts on how many ? 4 be plenty ?
The minimum is either 4 or 6

The more the better

But 4 should be enough
you'll want more than that, Pygmy's do a lot better in larger groups, i have a group of 13 in my planted 60l :good:
Hi everyone ,how big do the corydoras get then ,`ive got 2 in a 28 l tank along with 4 glowlight tetra,and plan to have 4 neon tetra and 2 shrimp as well ,was told they wouldn`t get above 8cm

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