Need Help Buying A Gravel Cleaner


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Ok guys I need a gravel cleaner.
I've seen a few in shops but don't understand how they work so don't know which is best.

What do you guys use?
I have a Python. Mine was $65.00 CAN. It's very easy to use, one end goes in the tank the other end gets attached to a faucet spigot. It has a mechanism in it that when you turn on the tap, it creates an automatic suction and will start removing water from your tank. If you leave the water on, the suction is more powerful but I just turn it off and let the water flow out naturally,( I hate wasting water). You can use the gravel vac on it or just use it to remove water. When you want to fill the tank back up, all you do is add de-chlor to the tank first then adjust the nozzle so that it makes the tap water go into your tank. (I always fiddle with the water so I make sure it's the right temp first).I have a 140g so I can't imagine using anything else! It's very easy to use and a major time saver, plus no having to get tank water in your mouth!

I'm sure there are other vacs like the Python so maybe someone can chime in with that.

Good luck
I got mine for less than $10US and it's a simple gravel vac, where the large end goes in the tank, the small end goes in a bucket, and to start the siphon I just dip the large end in the water upside down, then put it upright and the water starts flowing. Then I kind of root around in the gravel while the siphon action is happening and get rid of lots and lots of gunk that way. Easy and cheap. For my tanks with sand substrate, it's the same except that I just swirl the end over the surface of the sand, it makes a little whirlpool and the gunk sucks right off the surface without even disturbing the sand.
A simple cutting of hose pipe is the best value for money, all you have to do is start a siphon into a bucket, stir up the crap and suck it up.

Some gravel vacs don't remove water from the tank, they actually suck up dirt and it is passed through a filter bag and the water re enters the tank.
Well I'm using about a metre of hose to do a water change so if I can find a way to make one half of the hose rigid enough to hold and disrupt the gravel maybe that'll work, yeah?
Yes, you could fit some fine mesh over the end to prevent the gravel from being sucked up.

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