
What are you looking to stock it with? Whats the setup like... There are many types of shrimp you could have. Personally i love Cherry Shrimp. But there small so you have to be careful what you put them in with. or they can become "Live" food :p

But there are many others. :) Hope too see some shrimp thriving in your tank soon :D i love the little guys.
ive only got some neon tetra, so they prob wont eat the shrimp, ive looked on the web and i will porb go for cherry shrimp. Thanks for the help and ill put some pics up when i get some shrimp. :good:
Yeah i meant what else are you planning to put in ? or are you jut housing 4neons...

But all in all Cherries are stunning i love them :) keep us posted :D
if your only planning on the neons and shrimp then up your neons to 10, if your wanting other fish too you still could do with upping them to 6 :good:
Endless list.

The come in greens, blues, yellows, stripes....:lol:

Got some nice shrimp for ideas in that shop.
I got yellows to try something different from cherries (although they are technically just another colour of the same shrimp that cherries come from). There are also "fire reds" which, if I'm not mistaken, are basically cherries with a REALLY deep red colour, and even their legs are red. They are also even born a brighter red than cherries.

Of course there are also crystal reds and bumblebees, but you can always try them later once you've started a colony of something easier first.

They are super cool to watch!
so could i put shrimp in my tank then ?

i've a 60l with 6 harlequiins,hopefully moving on to 10 and some dwarf/pygmy cories ?

do they need any specail requirements like a cooler tank ( mines at 26* )

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