How To Wash Sand....


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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Ok so I've been reading more and more about sand so decided to get some from tesco and use it with my existing gravel but how do I wash the sand?

I was going to cut the top of the bag off and fill it with tap water but can I introduce this into my tank like this or should I wash it in tank water?
until the water runs clear ;)
i just put the sand in a bucket and washed it with tap water. i think that's what Tizer meant as well.... :rolleyes:
Wash it through at least twice more after you think it's done. It's much better to get it really clean before you put it in your tank, than get it in and realise it's going to be cloudy for days.

There are a lot of very light particles in there; you want all those out.

Do it now while the weather's nice :good:
Cheers for the informative replies I'll sit out tonight and get it washed and swap it for the gravel at the weekend
yeh just put the sand in a buckey at run the tap/hose in it, and stir it up so the bucket overflows and the dust goes with it but the sand sinks to the bottom :) and just keep doing it until the water is clear even when you stir the sand at the bottom :)

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