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  1. S


    first off i would like to apologize for my flamboyan outbirst. the reason i got mad was due to the fact that a lot of people here get pissed off whenn they go to a petstore and see lots of betas in tiny cups. fact is they are a very popular fish.....the people at the store are not being...
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    #### YOU #### you ####you HOO Dude your cooll this forum is pretty lame hoodude is a more informed and at least he is not afraid to voice his opinion unlike some of you hypcrits.
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    Moving mature fish

    trash bags....can be a little weak make sure they are strong enough to hold water
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    Cichlid food

    nutrifin cichlid flake......I also have pellets but my fish love the flake
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    How many pounds does it take to get...

    I have a 20 gallon tank......and i used a 20 pound bag try 25 can always add more
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    My convict eggs hatched

    I had a pair of convicts in my 20 galloon tank (breeding tank) A male Pink convict and a normal female. Only three egs turned white and didnt hatch.......I have about 100 fry !!!!!! :D When they get about half an inch i will trade most to my lfs for store credit
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    I'd like to know what kind of fish I have

    there are 12 inches in a foot 4.33333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333 .........................feet :blink:
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    breeding traps....

    hmmm i used to have a molly that gopt real fat from eating and after an hour he was the same size.....Are you sure they are pregnant?
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    Fish Don't Eat On Surface

    it might take a while mine do now and its been 3 months
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    Guten Morgan

    ich habe, du hast ...........ich bin du bist.....etc blah blah blah thats all we ever did.. Ich habe Durchwall ........hahahhahahahahhaha i got that one down
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    yup those timers that you can use to turn on lamps when your not home to make it look like you are home/
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    frankenfish saga continues

    good point :thumbs:
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    fishy game #69

    a frshwater barracuda?
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    Guten Morgan

    Tippen beginnt auf deutsch, Spaß zu machen. Ich hoffe, daß es mehr Leute hier gibt, daß verstehen kann. .....again i only got a c in gr 11 german last year and im not taking it this year.
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    frankenfish saga continues

    good point jammnong but may i remind you that it doesnt matter what fish species ugly or beautiful LOTS ARE involved in inbreeding. As for bringing science back ten years i disagrre,,,,,,,,you don't want scientists just diving in to the human genitics. They experiment on different animals using...
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    Water Change

    60l is that about 15 us gallons. Your tank might be a little overstocked being that goldfish are combat extra waste do water changes more often
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    why isnt my firemouth

    when my convict laid eggs the only fish it didnt chase was the firemouth........they didnt hatch ..the firmouth just hovered beside her. The eggs were gone in the morning. puzzling eh?
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    How to remove calcium buildup

    i did not use bleach.........i found better stuff in my house. I used this wine bottle disenfetant cleaner. It is like bleach but it is not as toxic. Its pink and comes in a powder.
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    How to remove calcium buildup

    ahahahhaha i had this problem too. Try a razor blade it works but it takes a while.......your lucky i had a 30 gallon to scrape :)
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    why isnt my firemouth

    again it is 3 in long! lol you missed that part :rolleyes: im almost 90 percent sure its a fiiremouth.......the only doubt in my mind is that at my lfs he doesnt usually sell them and he said it came in with a shipment of convicts. IT has the firmouth look and markings ..... but there...
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    frankenfish saga continues

    id buy them for 10 dollars a piece but anymore and its not worth it. They are wicked awesome though!!!!!!!!11 8)
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    Filter Media

    i guess you could go to a home improvement store and pick up some open cell foam
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    stuff in filter cartridges

    ahhhhh are you talking about carbon??? Carbon is filled with microscopic pores that cause certain organic or inorganic materials to stick to them. New carbon works more efficiently than older carbon. When all of the pores are filled, the carbon is no longer effective and the filter begins to...
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    Public Appolegy

    im totaly with you hoodude!
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    probably expensive because you only need a few to end up with a hundred :D
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    i do 30 pecent every two weeks. I used to do it every week but after the tank cycled I thought it was a bit overkill since the water is still crystal clear after 2 weeks.
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    why isnt my firemouth

    I have had my fire mouoth for 3 months and his chest area is not red at all. not even pink. Is this normal.....will it become red. It is now almost 3 inches long. :unsure: :unsure:
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    Fish Game #68

    hmmmm im runnig out of ideas A Carp?
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    Fish Game #68

    red sea bream?
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    Fish Game #68

    are you red?
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    Crayfish after Shrimp

    hhaha mine always tries to climb up the airline lol he can only make it half way before he starts sliding down and ahe starts panicking :D Today he molted for the second time since i got him........he did not have claws when i bought him but now they are pretty big probbaly half the sizw of...
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    Fish Game #68

    rainbow fish?
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    Check this out.....

    my favorite is the humpback anglerfish :D :D
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    Red Herring

    hahahahhahahhaxhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaahhaahhahahahaahhaahhahahahahahah hoodood nice one
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    pregnant guppy, not?

    they might just not have been pregnant....eventhough that is very hard to believe that they werent pregnant
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    Hi All!

    :D weeellllllllllllllllllllllcome here
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    Guten Morgan

    besitzen? posses?? still a little rusty
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    Convict Intelligence Quotient

    im going to have to disagree wiht impur. My convict is the smartest in my tank. He wants food he will go back and forht. when she is bored it comes to the front and doesnt move till i put my face up . It then follows my hand all around till he gets bored.
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    cheap tanks

    small 2.5 are nice but then you also have to get filter. at petcetera they sell there own 5 gal with corner fiter for liek 20 bone cdn