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  1. M

    cleaning outside of glass

    Windex now makes wet wipes now so all ya do is pull one out and clean away. Works great and you don't have the worry of spraying the paper towels in another room
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    If you won lotto

    :lol: Well of course we could but hey isn't lifting heavy stuff the reason I have a hubby? Works well for me :lol: Really I only said guys because thats what Aquamanis posted stuff 6 guys could carry. If I wanted that 180 bad enough I'd carry it with another gal :thumbs:
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    my cleaning is just like playtpus' but I do mine in the afternoon of a school day so I don't have 4 kids underfoot or wanting to "help". I used to let the kids help but on 8 year old with a gravel vac in hand can do alot of rearranging of the plants & decorations and will always manage to get at...
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    If you won lotto

    :wub: :wub: I'd have to say turn the basement into a fish room. 6guys could carry in enough 180 gallon tanks to line the walls and install a counter area w/huge sink.. I'd go for a loach tank or two, a few reef setups, tetra tanks Oh and don't forget the huge MOLLY tank... Mollymomma passes...
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    Going away tommorow

    Sounds fun! Wish I could go with you. It would be better than doing housework :lol: Can't wait to see your pics. Have enough fun for us all..
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    My 55g tank

    :look: oops lol sorry didn't pay attention to your sig... Bad Momma Very nice tank anyway. Glad your male guppy showed up again
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    1 year! whoot!

    :thumbs: :flowers: :hooray: :- :- In other words Congrats!
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    My 55g tank

    nice tank.. how big is it? How long has it been up & running? The betta pics on the page were nice too
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    Betta Changing Color?

    unfortunatly when my bettas have lost color like that they shortly died. Betta's only live 2-3 years so when you say this betta was a year old do you mean that your boss has had the fish 4 a year? Most betta's purchased from pet stores are about a year old. When I lost mine they were in tanks...
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    Silly Question

    I have 2 lights on my 55gal. so I turn off one side then 10 mins later turn the other out, room lights out 10 mins later.. Just like mother nature lol
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    Using Slate...

    I used slate in my tank. Where did the slate come from you ask? It's the same slate the construction company that built my house used as a slate acsent on the front of the house. So my tank & house match lol.. It should be okay to use your roofing slate. Before I added mine I dropped vinager on...
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    Yeah I'm bout ready to quit... another fiasco

    :lol: @ Moe.... hey been there done that.. I figured the store sold me the crappy filter to begin with and too many sick fish... justice I'd say. :-( Julie , I'm glad to hear everything worked out well for you. I am thinking about Rose's suggestion on the duel filters...I may add...
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    if this doesnt make you smile then well wot will

    :D Awww she's a cutie ! Don't know what anyone could be rude about that baby face. Thanks for the smile
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    PetSmart and price matching

    :thumbs: Thank You :thumbs: I wish I had known this sooner but will now definatly start saving myself some bucks! The only things I usually buy at petsmart are the filters, replacement media & foods. I may be able to use this to get another tank lol :wub:
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    Dogs or Cats?

    I don't have to walk the dog in the rain... that's what my kids are for lol P.S. I know mean mommy
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    Dead Leaves

    I remove mine. I believe they will just fowl your water if left in there too long.
  17. M

    Loaches near heater

    I have clown loaches in my 55gal with neons & zebra danios and have never had any problems.
  18. M

    An end to water changes?

    sounds a little fishy to me :lol: Sorry I just had too. seriously I have never heard of it, but I don't put to much faith into any quick fixes as far as the tank goes. I try to stay as far away from chemicals as possible. They usually do more harm than good. I would stick with the water...
  19. M

    Senior pictures!

    Nice pics Jesse :thumbs: Handsome devil you. What no cap & gown ones? Enjoy your senior year. :teacher:
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    :wub: him...FOTM nomination.. he is a handsome boy. Where did you find a CT in Va.? I have only seen VT in my area. I would love a DT if I could find one that was not too expensive and that didn't need to be shipped.
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    rest in peace little boy...

    I'm very sad for you. We recently lost a guy and I felt so bad. We did get a new one and are doing okay. Don't beat yourself up as the others have said, we are after all only humans. Keep everyone posted when you get a new one. What size tank will you be using? If you are going to use the 1...
  22. M

    How long do bettas live?

    Hi Most books that I have read say they can live 2-3 years. The longest I have ever had one was a year & 1/2, most of the time by the time you buy them they are about a year old.
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    your betta's name

    Great names everyone :D At our house we have had/ do have Nascar ( R.I.P.) nas left us after a year &1/2 he also happened to be the fish that started us on our addiction. Gypsy R.I.P poor thing we tried to rescue him but we were just too late Winston R.I.P. also a rescue, survived after his...
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    Fluval vs Eheim

    I have a fluval and it seems to work fairly well but I really hate cleaning time. :no: Seems to be more of a pain than the hob type. You would think since they are more expensive they could be easier to maintain.
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    My new mollies like nipping all fishes

    Sorry... um my mollies always seem to pick on other fish even each other. It helps somewhat to keep odd numbers I think.
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    Large Tank of the Month

    Nice job everyone :thumbs: :hooray: gf225
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    J. dickfeldi

    beautiful :thumbs:
  28. M

    :( No more babies

    :-( Sorry to hear that Julie. I had the same thing happen to me I was horrified. Bought the plastic type for the next batch of fry & that one sucked too. So now I have a critter keeper tank with a very small filter ( bought at petsmart) to keep the babies safe until they are big enough to be...
  29. M

    Hermit Crab

    A friend of mine has hermie's(19) she has had a few that have stayed buried for as long as 2 weeks. Evedently it's a hermie hider... Get some bigger shells as suggested and just keep an eye on it.
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    New puppy

    umm yes Britt you have done more poopie patrol than the other's so that makes you "Chief" lol And might I also add , a certain 15 yr. old wanted her the most too... Hey missy don't you roll your eye's at your momma. :sly: Does grounding mean anything to ya? Yeah point for mom! :thumbs:
  31. M

    My Doggies :)

    Will your pups are so cute :wub: Your Springer looks alot like my Cocker, only like 50 times bigger hehehe :thumbs:
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    New addition to the family...

    Hope everything works out.. I'm glad to know someone else on the forum will be joining me in the joys of housetraining :hyper: :lol: At just over a week we are doing pretty good so far... Pics pics & more pics lol We can trade training stories lol
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    My first bout w/Ich

    :thumbs: Bravo for the research Scarab! Your right about most not doing research beforehand. I didn't :*) I started my fish addiction when my little girl wanted a fish. A friend suggested a betta because they didn't need all the "stuff" other trops need. Bluefrog everything you stated is in...
  34. M

    Clown loach with white spot...

    Sorry to hear about your loach :-( My 2 clown loaches got ick about 2 days after I added them to my 55 gal. I agree with isolating any furture clown loaches. I was told that they tend to be very sensitive to certian water condition's. Luckily for me my tank prams matched the prams of the...
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    My Betta isn't eating :(

    Try H the pellet type betta food. In my experience betta's don't actually like the flake food. Not that the stores will tell you this, they usually tell you oh flakes are fine just so they know in a few days you will return. Frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms can be given as a treat but not all...
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    How many fish fit in tanks

    the general rule is 1" of fish per gallon (adult size) It's a good baseline to go with but I always end up going over the limit then need to rearrange fish homes .
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    gravel cleaner

    with my old vac I put the large end in the tank, skinny hose to bucket on floor... submerging the fat tube in short quick jerks upward/ downward so water going into tube started the vaccum...takes about 5-6 pumping motions to start. edit: Mine was a Walmart mini vac ( can't remember the exact...
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    New puppy

    Well we are now in the 3rd day of puppy ownership and guess what? Kids are no longer so positive they had to have a puppy figures huh? Of course they are the poopie patrol now :D Mom is really sticking to the rules :thumbs: They love her to death when she's all snuggly but they have lost the...
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    look at this cichlid

    :wub: gorgous fish
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    water testing

    If you plan not to test all the time I'd say go the cheaper route. The cheaper tests now are pretty accurate. Good Luck deciding :thumbs: