PetSmart and price matching


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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Raleigh, NC (USA)
I posted this in another thread, but wanted to make sure more people saw the following:

For those of you with a local PetSmart store within driving distance, I thought I'd share this with you. If you shop at their online store, you'll notice that MOST of their equipment is cheaper online than in the store. You can get the ONLINE price at your local store. All you have to do is print out the page that shows the product(s) you want to buy, take it with you to the store and hand it to the person at the register.

Here are examples of the deals we've gotten by doing this:

Penguin bio-wheel 330 power filter - listed at the store for $46.99, online price: $24.99

Penguin bio-wheel 170 power filter - listed at the store for $34.99, online price: $20.99

H.O.T. Magnum compact filter by Marineland - listed at store for $89.99, online price: $47.99

24" Perfect-A-Lite Flourescent Hood by Perfecto - listed at store for $36.99, online price of $29.99

They don't advertise that they do this and they won't tell you they do unless you ask, so I thought I'd share and hopefully save you a lot of money. :D
:thumbs: Thank You :thumbs:

I wish I had known this sooner but will now definatly start saving myself some bucks!

The only things I usually buy at petsmart are the filters, replacement media & foods. I may be able to use this to get another tank lol :wub:
any idea if petco does it too? they're online prices are often a little cheaper than the instore prices for supplies also............
WOW thanks for the info! I have a petsmart that is huge and has a great selection within walking distance. I have also noticed they have higher prices than on the web and i can use that info to get stuff really cheap! :hyper:
I haven't been to a Petco, so I'm not sure if they'll price match there. You'll have to let everyone know if they do.

I don't normally buy any fish from PetSmart, just equipment which is for me the most expensive part and like I said, we've saved a ton of money and as long as they keep doing this, I'll keep printing it out. :)
sadly i think you caught a break. I called and talked to my local PetSmart and they said they will not match the website prices. I also looked in the frequently asked questions on the website and it stated that the stores are independent from the site. I personally wish this wasn't the case because i am going there this weekend to get a biowheel filter. It is so much cheaper on the site and the store price really dissapointed me. The lady said that the reason the website prices are cheaper is because that is the price before shipping and handling is added on, which is bs because even if you add on shipping and handling the website prices still come out lower. I guess your best bet would be to actually try it. If they say no then drop the stuff on the counter and walk out or pay the extra money. If it works then drive home happy with all your new fish supplies.

Good Luck
I think I would take the chance and go to the store and talk to the manager while you've got the product in your hand. I'm not saying it will always work, but since they freely told us that they don't advertise it and don't tell people they do it unless they ask, it's at least worth trying it out. Like I said, 3 different stores in our area have all matched the website prices.

Good luck!
yeah thanks for that, i also have a petsmart and pets at home near me. so that should save me some dosh, and if they say they wont match, i wont leave untill they do, and i ll make a real scene. hehehe
The best part about this whole thing, is that when you leave PetSmart, you feel like you actually got away with something and it was totally legal! :lol:
Yea, sad, but that doesn't apply at every petsmart. The one i work at wont do it. But, theres another way to get passed thier higher prices. If your buying a whole tank setup act like your not gonna buy it unless you get a discount and 90% of the time they give it to you. Ive even seen people get free filters, protein skimmers, all kinds of crap. If your spending a few hundred dollars theyll give you almost anything.
yeah thanks for that, i also have a petsmart and pets at home near me. so that should save me some dosh, and if they say they wont match, i wont leave untill they do, and i ll make a real scene. hehehe

Just a note about buyingm fish at pets at home (in the UK) the one near me I wouldn't touch with a bargepole for fish...they die very qickly and are badly looked after in the store by me, always dead fish in the tank and many of them look might not be the same in Bristol, but this was a warning I was given when I started by aquarium because friends fish kept dying when they bought them from there...! :(
In reply to whats been said about Pets At Home, They really are crap for livestock! The only thing that place is good for is the 'who can count the most dead fish in 2 minutes' game!!! they really do know nothing, they where even on watch-dog once i believe
I buy all my fish needs from:

Cheap, reliable, fast shiping :nod:

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