:( No more babies


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Well I'm in a rather unhappy mood. I knew my baby fish couldn't survive in a jar forever, cuz of no aeration and all, so I went out this afternoon and bought a breeding net. I checked it out and it was extremely fine mesh, I didn't think they could fit through it even though they're so tiny. However.... I guess I didn't plan on my other fish SUCKING them through the mesh. ARGH! :X I don't think there's one baby fish left in that net. I saw my gouarmi try to bite at one, and it's tail popped through the mesh, so when the gourami went at him again, the fry slipped right through. I guess I'll have to rig up some sort of stupid contraption if I have any fry again. Or maybe I'll buy a divider, who knows. I was so excited to have these babies, I'm so depressed they're gone. :-( I wanted at least one to make it. *sniff* Sorry for the bum post, I needed to vent to someone who understands - my mom said "you shoulda flushed them anyway". :no:
Your mom said that? :blink: :)

Sorry to hear about your fry, juliethegr8t. :sad:

I would have never guessed that other fish would get them through the mesh like that. Never heard of that before.
:-( Sorry to hear that Julie. I had the same thing happen to me I was horrified. Bought the plastic type for the next batch of fry & that one sucked too. So now I have a critter keeper tank with a very small filter ( bought at petsmart) to keep the babies safe until they are big enough to be reintroduced to the regular tank.
As far as your mom saying you should have flushed them to begin with I had hubby tell me to just use them as free food. You will find some people just don't understand. I wish you better luck with the next batch.
Sorry to hear that. I've never had that happen to me (Partly because I have a breeding tank ;) Not the point) Anyways What kind of fish were they? ;) I reccomend a breeding tank if thats possible ;) Good luck with the next ones.

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