Dead Leaves


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Im in the middle of cycling a tank. Its full of plants that mostly seem to be doing well. What do people do about the odd dead or dying leaves on reasonably vigorous plants, do you remove them, let them rot away, or are they actually a reason to have snails.

I plan to introduce some corys and ottos, will they deal with the old leaves?
Remove the ones that are dead or are heading in that direction. IF you do this the plant will spend more of its energy making new leaves instead of trying to grow the dead or dying leaves.

Rose said:
Remove the ones that are dead or are heading in that direction. IF you do this the plant will spend more of its energy making new leaves instead of trying to grow the dead or dying leaves.

:D :rolleyes: :D :lol: yep i agree with the above... Remove decomposing or dead/brown slimey leaves, unless you have snails, you could then leave a few leaves in the tank for them to gobble and clear away for you,( My pemaculture side shines through) to produce snail pooh, which the plants then re-eat anyway!!! Its food chains in a tank.
Im studying horticulture, and i seem to always think of the outcomes of things i do, and i do remove most of the leaves that fall into my pond, but i leave some for the nature to! hope that helps.

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