If you won lotto


Fish Crazy
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
Hi Guys and Gals, If you were to win lotto tommorrow what would be your ultimate aquarium setup? I,m talking home aqaurium here so shall we say nothing bigger than what 6 guys could move.
Oooh what a lovely question :thumbs:

My dream is to have a loaches tank with LOADS of clowns, kuhlis, chains, yo-yo's, all being nutty together in a 180 gallon tank! I think I'd have a plain black background, white sand, and some sort of mad cave system for them all to swim in and around.

*sigh* one day
ok, alright, yes he we go. Definatly a Marine Reef Setup. Preferably With 4 clownfish, 2 yellow tangs, 1 blue tang, 1 juvenile emperor angelfish, 1 clown triggerfish, 4 different types of starfish and and 1 moray eel. Several Rocks at the bottom to the top with lots of towering coral. also with marine wallpaper, sand at the bottom and it would be about 100 gallons. Total dream tank 8)
:wub: :wub: I'd have to say turn the basement into a fish room. 6guys could carry in enough 180 gallon tanks to line the walls and install a counter area w/huge sink.. I'd go for a loach tank or two, a few reef setups, tetra tanks Oh and don't forget the huge MOLLY tank...

Mollymomma passes out with all the possiblity's *drool, drool*
6guys could carry in enough 180 gallon tanks to line the walls and install a counter area w/huge sink..

why not girls? girls are strong enough to lift 180 gallon tanks, right?
:lol: Well of course we could but hey isn't lifting heavy stuff the reason I have a hubby? Works well for me :lol:
Really I only said guys because thats what Aquamanis posted stuff 6 guys could carry. If I wanted that 180 bad enough I'd carry it with another gal :thumbs:
Well of course we could but hey isn't lifting heavy stuff the reason I have a hubby? Works well for me
Really I only said guys because thats what Aquamanis posted stuff 6 guys could carry. If I wanted that 180 bad enough I'd carry it with another gal


Everyone, keep posting your dreams, this should be very interesting. When people post what their wildest aquariums they wish, they start acting weird and crazy. :crazy:
i agree with mollymomma, lots of tanks (big & small) to keep as many different types of fish as possible. but if only one tank i'd have to go for a sandy bottomed one with plants, mopani wood, altum angels, diamond tetras, gold ancistrus, green brochis cats, khuli loaches & a colony of apistogrammas. :thumbs:
i'd line a room with tanks, floor to ceiling, with space in between for cleaning, but that wouldn't be visible from the front, there'd be space behind to do that part. i'd have all freshwaters, couple of livebearer tanks, a couple of tetra tanks, barbs in a nother, one with angels, a couple for cichilds, and a one for frogs :fun: and i'd have a chair in the middle that turns so i could sit there and watch all my fish for hours. and the only lights would be from the tanks.

funny you posted this, i was just at the lfs last night drooling over the 180 tanks with fancy wooden stands and canopy covers. they made me leave, i was creating puddles with my drool and customers were slipping. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
just kidding.
i would want a fish room in my basement. maybe 4 or 5 specific 55 gallon tanks. i would love to have 2 or 3 cichlid tanks that were very region specific. I would also love to have a large (180 gallon or so) tank for an octopus and maybe even a ray tank. Why not have a 200 gallon reef tank. We are dreaming here, right? The room would be very functional with a closed water heating system and the freshwater and saltware tanks would share filtration units. I would also want a nice sitting area and lots of plants. =)
Well judging that just two of us managed to get my 200g up the stairs to our flat then i would say that 6 men could easily move a 1000 gallon tank. Oh the possibilities would be endless, probably would have a a huge amazon type set up with shoals of characins and catfish and a few stingrays, arowanas and cichlids.
I would get all the 400g tanks I could fit in the basement and stock different ones with umbee's, dovii's, beani's and istlanum's!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
mwar! can i have three?

#1: Size? 100 gallons
Plants? Lots and lots of different types, with Riccia growing all along the bottom
Decorations? A monster piece of driftwood
Fish? Two red-bellied Pirhanas

#2: Size? 50 gallons
Plants? The same multiplying river-grass I have in my community, + ludwigia.
Decorations? A nice pile of rocks all messily arranged through the grass forest.
Fish? Five female Bettas, a single male Betta, four Clown Loaches, an Apple Snail, a monster school of black and natural Neons.

#3: Size? 180 gallons
Plants? A few nice, tall-leafed types
Decorations? A giant rock cave/tunnel system through the substrate and above
Fish? A single freshwater Stingray, ten Bumble Bee Gobies

xD i'm silly
after I rebuild my house so that it can stand up the the weight of a HUGE tank I would probably get 1 400 gallon tank for Malawis, 1 for tangs, 1 for Pirhanas, 1 for a bunch of Large CA/SA cichlids but definatly Dovii, Mags and Beanis, and 1 for Medium ones like JDs,GTs, and the like, and 1 for dwarf cichlids

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