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  1. ox5477

    The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

    Thanks for the pics ski... the corals look great... the zoas have some great color... the sps looks like they are very happy and the torch and elegance of course look beautiful! And yes Ace... its covered in coraline (sorta, he scraped alot of it off), an encrusting algae that all reefers love...
  2. ox5477

    Flow Rate Thur Refugium?

    so... does the sump go like this? from tank -> refugium -> return -> to tank, to refugium? or do you have a seperate refuge tank that overflows back into the sump? Ox :good:
  3. ox5477

    Diy Metal Halide Box

    just thinking... 600W halide is a good amoutn seeing as how its a corner tank... might be able to get away with a single halide.... depending on the light spread from the reflector... I would try out 1 halide to begin with and if its spreading around enough then I wouldn't even add the second...
  4. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Some new things going on. First, my stats have leveled out since getting the 2in1 kit (Thanks for the intro to Bulk Reef Supply ski :nod: )... last night tested and things were looking pretty rosey - Calc:450, alk:8.1, Mag:1330, pH~8.0 (old test kit and early in the morn before lights on)...
  5. ox5477

    Diy Metal Halide Box

    Just thinking, is this a a bowfront corner tank? with two flat back sides and single curved front? Or a cube in a corner? what are the approx dims of the tank? Ox :good:
  6. ox5477

    Flow Rate Thur Refugium?

    what pump are u using for a return and approx how high is the it pumped up to the rim of the display? Most pumps will have a head curve to tell you approx flow at different heads... but also need take into account bends in pipes and changes in diameter of pipe (both can cause changes in flow...
  7. ox5477

    Diy Metal Halide Box

    Well.. some corals will soak up the light and if your going sps... the more light the better.... but some corals can get too much light and will bleach if pounded with light... many lps and some softies like ricordea can lose their color with too much light... if you keep the lights a good...
  8. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Kodak might mind... but I sure don't... like I said, decent camera for the money... def no SLR.... but still good quality Ox :good:
  9. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Ya, actually, the biggest selling point to me... it takes AA batteries.... i know weird, but it will make it so much easier in replacing batteries... and much cheaper... dont need a special lithium ion... any duracell or energizer works for me... and might look into getting some rechargable...
  10. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Its a semi-cheap Fuji... its a Fuji Finepix s1000fd... I wanted to get a nice camera that I can swap out lenses for macro and landscape shots... but I couldnt pass up the price on this cam and it takes decent shots for the money I paid... relativily satified... in any case, its a vast...
  11. ox5477

    Evening All

    Actually, some marine aquarists use direct sunlight as their main lighting for the tank... supplimenting only in the morning and evening with halide and T5 lighting... you may be saying... this is stupid... algae will bloom like crazy and the tank will go downhill fast... but if you can create...
  12. ox5477

    Start Of The 40 Gallon Breeder

    That a orange ricordea florida I see in that second pic? or is it a yuma? Ox Just out of my curiosity as well... what kind of flow you getting through the sump? and you are planning on getting more flow in the display if you get some more corals right? Seems like that one return can't give...
  13. ox5477

    Photo Of My Oscar :)

    Upload your pics to an image sharing website like (friendliest to newbies IMO) and then you can link directly to the picture by pressing the circled button shown below and pasting the link into the pop-up window that appears :good: Ox :good:
  14. ox5477

    Oscar Aggression Or Mating Behaviour.....the Video At Last

    good observation nelly... def whats going on :good:
  15. ox5477

    Post Pictures That Made You Laff

    Replace MySpace with and this is my workday: Ox :good:
  16. ox5477

    Oscar Aggression Or Mating Behaviour.....the Video At Last

    I did see that too... the mouth opening seemed to be directed at you splish.....
  17. ox5477

    Start Of The 40 Gallon Breeder

    I would assume they are just using it as a tank as its wider and more suited for rockscaping?
  18. ox5477

    Oscar Aggression Or Mating Behaviour.....the Video At Last

    I'd say mating behvior as they arn't really going after eachother... more just gesturing and posturing... if you see them swimming together most of the time and if they find a flat rock and fan it or dig out a pit in the substrate, they are most likely preparing to lay eggs. Hard with o's...
  19. ox5477

    Email From Juwel

    Statics is the study of forces with no motion, ie your glass walls of the aquarium holding back the force of the water. Add in motion and then its called dynamics. Basically, they are saying, remove some of the tank water, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 to remove pressure of the water pushing on the glass...
  20. ox5477

    Testing Kit

    You will learn after awhile, if your tank doesnt change from week to week, and if the tank is cycled... really, weekly tests of ammonia and nitrite are unnecessary after the tank is cycled and the tank stocking is complete. About the biggest concern I could see is a large change in pH. Large...
  21. ox5477

    Newbie Question?

    I personally woudln't because first off, by reducing the height of the water, the angels finniage will degrade as they need a taller water column for swimming, and second, by adding the turtles, your introducing alot more waste and removing half of the diluting power with half the water gone...
  22. ox5477

    What Compatible With Gar

    TBH, a gar should not be a in a 75G. This may be fine for now, but as the gar grows, it will need much more room. The smallest species of gar are the spotted and shortnose gar, both able to reach sizes of atleast 30" when adults... so you need a tank that is atleast 36" wide for the fish to...
  23. ox5477

    Gar With Silver Dollars?

    you can breed your own feeders if you want... livebearers are a good choice, ie guppies or platies would be a good choice... it will take a while to get a large stock of them so this is a long term solution FYI. I breed my own and its been a couple months and they are still only giving me...
  24. ox5477

    55 Us Gallon Reef

    Liking the black background :good:
  25. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    If you mean the elegance, its from the reef shoppe... def had to snatch it up before somebody else did.... seems everything rare and nice gets reserved pretty quick around there so had to take it when the oportunity hit. Got my 2 in 1 kit as well and have been buffering for the last two days...
  26. ox5477

    Just Wondering

    ya, depends on what brand it is as well... some refracs are close to $100.00... so if shipping was 10-15 then that would be a good deal... but I have seen refracts for 40-50 brand new so ya, i get what your saying ski Ox :good:
  27. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Its a little different with the naked eye... I think I had the white balance tweeked a little too much so the color changed a little, but it still is a stunning color and patterning, I love this coral. Ox :good:
  28. ox5477

    55 Us Gallon Reef

    ooo, black background! Good stuff... personally, not a fan of blue backgrounds, but I guess they can workin some cases (usually a darker blue though). Cant wait to see the pics chris Ox :good:
  29. ox5477

    Sump Concept

    Thats what I figured ski. Thats why its an attractive idea, less maintanance and a much more natural system. I already have a good amount of benthic creatures underneath many overhangs and outcrops of my lr in my display and I'm sure once this system is set-up, the eggcrate would be seeded...
  30. ox5477

    Just Wondering

    How much would shipping across the pond be? Thats a good deal... but if I'm gonna pay as much for shipping, then obv make sense to buy a new one here close to home. Ox :good:
  31. ox5477

    What Do You Think

    Well you just said it: When cichlids lay eggs, they become extremely territorial and will defend their young violently... so you answered your own question Ox :good:
  32. ox5477

    Oh My God..extreme Fishing With Robson Green (evil)

    Gaffing the shark is not the prettiest thing but sharks are some of the fastest healers in the marine world... a large gash from gaffing it would prob be healed over in a day or two and you wouldn't even know it was there in a few weeks.... doesn't mean hurting the shark is right, but they heal...
  33. ox5477

    Sump Concept

    Hey guys I’m going to put a sump on my tank and wanted to run by you something I’m doing. After watching the sump video on, and seeing how he had the “duplex” system with egg crate creating basically a Benthic zone and then a “penthouse” layer for chaeto to grow and suck up...
  34. ox5477

    Hermitt Crab

    Well just cause you see nothing carnivorous... doesn't mean that their isn't some little hitch-hikers that only come out at night... Glad to hear it looks like a molt... ya they will just hide in their shell, moving only sparingly over the next day or two and will try and find a secluded spot...
  35. ox5477

    Hermitt Crab

    Do you find their body? And is it eaten out on one end? Then that is their molt... which all inverts with an exoskeleton do. Thats how they grow. And they usually hide for a day or two after the molt as they need to let their new exoskeleton harden. If you can't find them... then they may...
  36. ox5477

    Got A New Tank But Its Epmty Need Ideas

    What? do you mean how do I not use one? or how does the overflow work? or none of the above?
  37. ox5477

    Help With Identification

    Well for the center fish, the purple one with spines appears to be a lionfish representation. The bottom (upside down) trio looks to have the same two background fish as the center trio, but with a common perc or ocellaris clown instead of the lionfish. The picture at about 12:30 seems to be...
  38. ox5477

    The Continuing Adventures Of Skifletch

    The Clam, The Clam!! Picture of the clam... umm.. please, yes, if you get a chance :D Maybe one of the elegance while your at it;) Ox :good:
  39. ox5477

    Ben's Tank

    Looks good. I like.... be nice when its covered in corals ;) Ox :good:
  40. ox5477

    Just Done My First Water Tests On My Two Tanks

    well the water is not what cycles a tank.... the beneficial bacteria that consume the fish wastes are in filter media.... so the tank is prob cycling... I would do 10-20% daily wc's until you get 0ppm readings for both ammonia and nitrite. I would do the same for the other tank as well as it...