Newbie Question?


Fish Aficionado
Dec 19, 2006
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Can i fill half of my tank with water? Will my fish be fine? I have a 29 gal tank with 5 tetras and 1 angel and 1 pelco and 3 brone cory? I am thinking of adding 2 of my turtles in the tank with the fish will they be fine with the half quantity of water?
I personally woudln't because first off, by reducing the height of the water, the angels finniage will degrade as they need a taller water column for swimming, and second, by adding the turtles, your introducing alot more waste and removing half of the diluting power with half the water gone.... maybe if it were a much larger tank and the turtles was a were water species (not a northern cold water dwelling turtle)...

Ox :good:
Wouldnt turtles take bites out of your fish???

nope they would probably swallow most of them whole :crazy:

When you have a tank of around 80G+ then you can think of turtles, not before i'm afraid.
Stick your finger in that baby turtle's face and see what those jaws are made for. I had to get a tetanus shot after getting bitten by one smaller than you describe. More than enough to shred fish.

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