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  1. smithrc

    Ph Meters - Salinity Meters

    2 PH meters left...
  2. smithrc

    Bristlenose Catfish

    use a pyrex bowl - float it in the tank for a while to allow the plec to de- stress that way you'll be able to get good pics from most angles and without stress colouration ;) I have a small tank I use for photos - but normally a pyrex dish is easiest ;) for example
  3. smithrc

    Hagen Tropiquarium 88

    typical - I drove past Alton today.... I'll be passing again in a couple of weeks, so I'll drop you a line to see if its still about... But then again at that price it'll be gone in no time (or at least it should be!)
  4. smithrc

    Zebs For Sale

    lol - Teaching old dogs new tricks can be a problem :P :P Was it Ryan? He came up to mine on the train for a Plec too :)
  5. smithrc

    Zebs For Sale

    Good grief people - Zebs for £45 each and you moan about distance!
  6. smithrc

    Bristlenose Catfish

    any pictures?
  7. smithrc

    Ph Meters - Salinity Meters

    Hi all, I've got a few "Koi Pro" Digital PH meters Maidenhead sell them for £49.90 at the moment. I've also got a couple of the salinity meters Both shown here...;product_id=179 All boxed (only opened to look at them) with instructions and...
  8. smithrc


    Got to laugh - or I'd get mad and start shouting.... I wish people would take some time to get a little personal experience before stating things as fact...
  9. smithrc

    Bristlenose Catfish

    Any pics of the fish in question? I'm willing to say they wont be ancistrus temmincki - they are very rarely imported. Common Bristle nose - Ancistrus Sp.3 - now know as Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus If you picked it up at a local fish...
  10. smithrc

    What Is This? (id Please) [warning Lots Of Imgs]

    Although the pics are really bad, It looks very similar to our "common" - Its never been officially ID'd Ours is approx 6 years old now and has maxed out at about 12"
  11. smithrc

    What Is A Plec

    Sorry folks - I've got to say something before new people read and believe it. A lot of incorrect info in that last post. 1. They are not a cleaning fish - they will actually add more bio load to a tank and make more mess 2. The plec dieing thing is not true - oddly enough its just a...
  12. smithrc

    What Is A Plec

    lol :)
  13. smithrc


    A few things to consider... I dont mean it to sound like a lecture though ok... so bear with me :) First things first - What is the size of the tank it'll be living in? What are the results of your water tests? If you've got 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and your nitrates are rising, your tank is...
  14. smithrc

    How Long Will It Take For Bn Tail To Grow Back?

    with good conditions it should start to heal straight away - you'll see a pale almost hazey area of tail as it grows back - just make sure that is what it is though and not fungus or something nasty like that.
  15. smithrc

    Pleco Id Please

    I'd be inclined to agree... A better pic would be good to ID for sure though but the spots are a lot bigger on an LDA33.
  16. smithrc

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    Looking good Mate :) Great to see a start and a successful finish to a project :) I really need to try and do something like this - just to keep my hand in :) I might have to pick you brains in return at some point :)
  17. smithrc


    Competition has driven prices down somewhat :) I dont make and sell them anymore as its not worth the cold and mess. I did dust of teh cutter on saturday to make myself some though :)
  18. smithrc

    Zebra Plecs

    Your not going to find a sexed group like that without knowing the right people... and even then they will still cost a lot. Juviniles tend to sell for around £100 each at 1-1.5"
  19. smithrc

    Name This Fish

    Looks riddled with white spot to me too!
  20. smithrc

    Ideal Temp For L25 And Royal Plec?

    Our L24 is at about 28... not sure if that helps...
  21. smithrc

    External Filter For Juwel Trigon 390

    I had one on our Trigon 350 (or 190 - not a 390 :)) Fitted like above but without the cut outs in the cover - I just left the flap slightly raised. I've since removed the internal and put the pipes in the far corner :)
  22. smithrc

    Filled Up My 400ltr Tank Yesterday...

    in a tank that size you wont have any problems :)
  23. smithrc

    Diy Whole Tank Led Lighting Retrofit

    Looking good matey :) Its dark now - get another picture with the lights off for a direct comparison :) on a really random note - I was staying in a premier inn last week and they have cool reading lights by the bed - when I took one apart (yep - I get that bored in hotel rooms!) it was as I...
  24. smithrc

    Filled Up My 400ltr Tank Yesterday...

    30 is a bit high for a general community tank so I'd turn it down a couple of degrees. Even if they are not at the same temp - It wont take long to float the fish in a few bags to get them up to the same temp (just like new fish). Then just leave the main tank to stabalise at 27ish degs :)
  25. smithrc

    Filled Up My 400ltr Tank Yesterday...

    great looking tank :) Just one point about cycling the tank.... Now your up to temp just move teh fish and existing filter from your 90L to teh new tank. The existing filter has enought bacteria to cope with the load you currently have and it will soon spread into the new filter - so you can...
  26. smithrc

    Compatibility Question?

    One small plec in a 190L wont be a problem - with good cover 2 or 3 more small spieces will be fine together :)
  27. smithrc

    Now A Member Of The Mis-sold Plecos Club

    I'd agree - not a medusa - its not as ugly as sin! :D :D not sure what it is though... :unsure:
  28. smithrc

    Wanted Plecs

    Got some pics of the L088 on sunday...
  29. smithrc

    Wanted Plecs

    No problem :) we're still discussing the sale - I need to try and get some pics - but he's in the 100gal in the kitchen!
  30. smithrc

    Can U Buy Distilled Water

    If you have a refractometer - I'll assume that your using it for a marine setup - or at least a brackish setup... If that's the case what are you going to be mixing your salt into? You should ideally be using RO (or DI or distilled) so that you don't have any contaminates in the water to start...
  31. smithrc

    How Much?

    £35 for full grow sexed adults is good if you ask me... I bought and sold on 8x L066's recently at about 3.5" - 4" - attempted to sex as best I could. All cost £30 each.
  32. smithrc

    Bn Cross-breeding

    The common bristle nose has actually been officially classified recently - Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus Planet Catfish has loads of pics of the different "strains" of the same fish... Albino, Piebold, long fins etc etc...
  33. smithrc

    How Much?

    Sounds good to me - make sure you get good pics to confirm sex first though!
  34. smithrc

    Bn Cross-breeding

    just as a note - its not cross breeding - they are the same species ;)
  35. smithrc

    Wanted Plecs

    Defiantly go with the L134's :) They are great plecs :)
  36. smithrc

    Wanted Plecs

    Male Ancistrus L088 ? about 3.5" at the mo?
  37. smithrc

    Lok What Ive Been Offered

    cool - Is it just the one? Still its a great start :) :)
  38. smithrc

    What Bottom Dwellers Plec's & Catfish ? Do You Own !

    eeek - sorry to bring it up then :(
  39. smithrc

    Lok What Ive Been Offered

    how young? Over 1" I hope ;)
  40. smithrc

    Tetra Prima, 250g

    Bump... :good: